Ep 11>>>

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" Then I will be the one to end it" Minho whispered as he pulled jisung More closer to him by his waist

Jisung's breathe hitched He was getting weak for the male

His gaze Was enough to send Shivers down jisung's spine

Minho smirked as his hands Slowly travelled to Jisung's Chest then to his neck and later caressing his lips

Sending pleasurable chills Down The other's spine as his hands travelled through his body Feeling like he will melt anytime in his arms

Jisung couldn't fight anymore

He shut his eyes close as Minho brought his face closer to his

The male smirked And whispered " You are falling for me right" Minho whispered as he teased him

Jisung realised and Pushed him behind realised what big mistake he was going to do " TF IS WITH YOU" Jisung shouted as he ran outside The class

The kid touched his chest And felt his heart not beating normally It either skipped beats or was beating uncontrollably his Temperature also rising

Jisung felt This way After Almost 3 years Last time was with his late bf

But that was a sweet moment and not a horrible one like this

"Pfft So cute" Minho murmured to himself as he watched jisung fade from his view

Minho's pov-

I am sorry for invading your privacy jisung

I am sorry for hurting you ...

Minho sighed as he picked up his backpack

*flashback to the night of previous week in the club * When jisung Pushed me and got off The car

I felt like a coward Like I Hurted His feelings

I Felt like I was getting treated the same way I did with him

Karma was really hitting me

Getting all bottled up with emotions I drove To My home

Maybe the Alcohol I drank took over me And that made me not able to think in a straight way emotions started to flood In my head

Not wanting to Remember what Just happened

Passing red lights And warnings I  drove at max speed

As My View became blurred because of tears filling my eyes I was able to  humans Fade Or get blurred  with lights flickering in my eyes

Not able to control the car I was driving

My senses were not helping me 

I Gasped As I pressed the breaks with all my force

Hitting my head on the staring wheel and getting a small scratch on my fore head

I ran out of my car and Saw a lady Probably in her 40's Bleeding through her head

Was it me? The crowd was shouting at me

( Ok so Idk about other countries But in here If Someone gets into an accident Random people will start fighting for The person with the one who caused the accident They will help The victim and defend it )

Few men came to hit me And blamed me for her accident

For making that lady fight between life and death

I could not do anything I let it be

Maybe it was the punishment the god was giving me

I watched as I couldn't process anything

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