Chapter 5.

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"No please Mattheo!" I screeched, giggling leaning as far to the side as possible.

"Just taste them!" He chuckled, holding a fork towards me.

"No I don't like them!" I laughed out more.

"You've never even tried them! Taste it!" He started leaning over me.

"This is insufferable..." Draco mumbled from across the dining table, his words making everyone laugh.

"Taste it!" Mattheo insisted again, moving the fork closer to my lips.

"I don't like mushrooms I'm allergic!" I laughed out again, trying to turn my head away.

"Oh shit really? I didn't kn-" Mattheo spoke, a slight panic in his voice as he leaned off me completely.

"She's not allergic to mushrooms" Draco mumbled again making me roll my eyes.

"Thanks Draco" I mumbled.

"You little.. you'll pay for that! Thinking you can lie to me..." He grinned as his hands found my waist tickling me.

"Mattheo!.. Please!.. Stop!" I laughed out as I was on my back on the bench beside him, squirming around as he tickled me.

"Someone make it stop..." Draco mumbled again.

"Relax mate it could be worse," I heard Theo say from beside him.

"What could possibly be worse than.. that!" He rose his voice at the end.

"Well they could be fuc-"

"Nott." I heard Draco growl which only made Theo laugh out loud.

The four of us sat around the dining table in the great hall for some late breakfast. Theo and Draco sat beside eachother opposite me and Mattheo.

I presumed Draco and Mattheos chat went well considering Draco would have Mattheo pinned to the floor by now, and even if he was saying some smart comments, they only made everyone laugh.

"Fine I'll stop.. here", Mattheo grinned to me as he held out a hand for me to take, helping to me sit up straight.

"You're so stubborn.." I mumbled playfully to him.

"IM the stubborn one? You won't even try a mushroom!" He huffed out to me, picking back up his fork.

"But they look so..." My face twisted and my nose scrunched at the sight of the grilled mushroom on his fork.

"So.. blahh" I stuck my tongue out in disgust and shivered. Mattheo grinned and popped the mushrooms into his mouth, making my nose scrunch again. "Disgusting" I gave him a grim look which made the boys laugh.

I liked this. No, I love this. I love the feeling of all of us being able to get along with each other. No more Draco and Mattheo fighting, no more smart ass comments from Draco.

I think after last night and this morning he realised I wasn't his anymore, but apart of me deep down believes, I never was.

Seeing him somewhat being able to put up with me and Mattheo made me gain some respect for him again.

I'm not quite sure myself what will happened between me and Mattheo, nothing could come of it. I could end up hating him for all I know.

But I couldn't help constantly think back on Dracos words to me this morning. How Mattheo needed someone like me, how we were perfect for eachother. It all seemed a bit surreal.

I never looked at Mattheo that way, he was always annoying, he never gave me anything to see him the way I see him now.

My thoughts were broken by Mattheos lips against my ear, sending a jolt of electricity down my body, a feeling I'm not familiar with at all, especially from him.

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