Can I change?

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Nobita's POV:

And yeah, like always I got late and get a punishment. Why I am like that! Years passed away, I got older and older but my bad habits, my laziness never gone! I am tired of this all , seeing my parents upset cause of me makes me sad too but I can't understand why I don't change myself. Even my friends are worried about me whether I'll do something in my life or not? Sometimes I also get stressed of me but then I remember my friends, Doreamon, Shizuka, Gian and Suneo. All my friends beleive me that I am strong, brave and kind but I think I am just hurting their feelings.I always think like this but never changed but today I will again start to change myself and I can!

Third person Pov:

Nobita - "YES I CAN!!!" (He shouts in that lonely corridor)

Nobita's teacher - "NOBITA!!! Why are you shouting!?

Nobita - "Oh Sorry Sir !"

Nobita's teacher - "I think u r not taking your punishment seriously."

Nobita - "Yes Sir! No no I mean no sir."


{ Nobita got flinched by his voice. Everyone starts laughing at Nobita except Shizuka and Dekisugi}

Nobita - "Y- yes Sir."(says while looking down with lot of guilt in his heart)

Nobita's teacher - "Stop laughing y'all! And focus on your studies or you will become like Nobita!

{These words hitted Nobita's heart so badly , he was a example of bad student and a failure. He tried to hold his tears while looking down}

Gian- "Yes sir, I don't want to become Nobita" (he laughs)

Shizuka - "Hey Gian! u should not say something like that, he is our friend!"( She says in anger)

Gian- "Oh Okay Shizuka."

{Shizuka took a last look of Nobita while looking upset and worried for him and then entered the class}

Nobita's POV:

I can't take it more! I am just tired, tired of this all. I am just a failure who made his family and friends sad . My tears are continuously falling but nobody is here to wipe them, my heart is crying, I can't just I can't be like this anymore. I am in high school now and now I am worried about my future, will I be able to do something I will be a failure as today? Even I have Doraemon but still I am not able to change myself. I am feeling so sorry for my parents to have a son like me .

Third person Pov:

Nobita was standing outside , lost in his deep thoughts and was crying. It been 2 hours since he was standing, his legs were pale and shivering now . He can't stand anymore , he just prayed for the bell rang and then the bell rang.

Nobita's Teacher- "So you can come inside Nobita"( he said while coming outside of the class and what he saw was .... Nobita was unconscious)

*Time skips*

{Nobita woke up in the school health clinic's room , lying on the bed}

Nobita-"What happened?"( Slowly sits while rubbing his eyes)

Shizuka- "Nobita u woke up!" ( She says while holding her tears and hugs Nobita gently)

Nobita- (breaks the hug ) "Wait Shizuka , why are you crying? Is anything happened? Why I am here?"( He askes a lot of questions as he was totally confused)

Shizuka- " You are asking what happened? Huh!? Why you always do this , you know how much I was worried for you? U were unconscious when the teacher called you in....So the teacher and we took you here.... And the doctor told that your legs were numb and you were weak too that's why you passed out."(he says while looking down as she didn't wanted make him sad because she was shading tears.)

Nobita- "Ohh!" (Notices her)"Shizuka please calm down I am fine now, it happened because I didn't have my breakfast and it been 2 hours too that's why my body didn't support me". (He says while holding her hands and smiles because he was happy that Shizuka cares for him a lot)

{ Nobita remembers his thoughts and looks down }

Shizuka- "Is there anything you are hiding from me? If you want to share something, so please say." ( She says while looking at him with a gentle smile)

{Nobita tooks a deep breath and inclosed everything to her, his thoughts and his aim of to change himself}

Shizuka- "What the hell Nobita?! How did you even thought that you are badm or a failure? And yeah! EVEN WHATEVER HAPPEN , I ALWAYS BELIEVE YOU! U are a pure hearted person, u always care for everyone, help them as much u can and don't u forget how many times you saved evryone from super villains! You are amazing Nobita. Understood?"

Nobita- (his eyes were filled with tears , he never expected that Shizuka cares for him that much) "Thank you so much Shizuka" ( hugs her gently)

{Shizuka hugs him back and breaks the hug. After what she said , she had a strange feeling but she ignored it like always}

Nobita- "But it's not just about my bad habits, my laziness, it's about my academic results too.

To be continued....

Author: Hey everyone! How are you all? So it was the chapter 1 , hope u all like it . I will try to post soon as soon possible. So stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment.❤️

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