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Group chat names:
Sun: Bestsunever!
Venus: Needsangermanagement
Earth: Fathernature?
Luna: Titansimp
Mars: Marsbar
Deimos: chaotic2
Jupiter: i<3Saturn
Ganymede: gaynmaid
Europa: Europe
Io: Cheeseball
Y/n: MoonofLife
Saturn: i<3Jupiter
Titan: Saturnsfav
Uranus: Artist
Neptune: Derpyiceball
Pluto: planet? ---------------------《♤♡◇♧》------------------
                 Solar system GC
Sun has added Earth, Mercury, and    15 others.

Sun gave Earth temperary admin rights.

Earth has changed 18 names.


Fathernature?: hehe... thanks, Sun.

Needsangermanagement: Earth, kys.

Marsbar: I agree... WHY THIS NICKNAME?!

Fathernature?: Why not?

Gaynmaid:.... fuck you Earth...

Europe: Ganymede... y/n isn't here

I<3saturn: who's y/n?

Gaynmaid,: right! Sun, can I add a moon you forgot?

Bestsunever: mmm, sure!

Bestsunever gave admin rights to Gaynmaid.

Gaynmaid adds y/n to the chat.

Gaynmaid changes y/n name to MoonofLife

Cheeseball: Bambi!

Galaxybitch: y/n!

MoonofLife: what's this chat about?

Bestsunever: ah! So everyone can talk while staying in their orbits! But who are you?

Pluto2.0: I agree. I've never heard of you before

Needsangermanagement: Shut it pipsqueak

MoonofLife: .... I'm a moon of Jupiter

I<3Jupiter: another moon!

MoonofLife: Yes.... anyway. Ganymede... where are you and everyone?

Gaynmaid: in the asteroid belt. Best if you don't come, don't want any stray asteroids hitting you.

Pluto2.0: why? She's just a moon...

Galaxybitch: just a moon.... she not just a fucking moon! She is royalty to us Jupiter moons bitch!

Europe: She's like one of the kind!

Marsbar:.... seems like all the moons are simps for her...

Titansimp: one, I dunno who she is. Second, my username sums up who I simp for.

Cheeseball: Shut up, Luna!

Needsangermanagement: wtf is happening right now.... 🤨

Fathernature?: I'm asking the same thing 🤨

MoonofLife: Guys... it's okay... I'll go back to my orbit...

Europe: Wait... where are you, my love?

MoonofLife: in Uranus orbit, thinking you were with his moons. But they're missing... anyway, I'll see you lot later

MoonofLife is offline

I<3Saturn: ....

I<3Saturn is offline

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