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# Leavers Day - A BBC Special

## Act I, Scene 1

**(Opening scene: An aerial shot of a small secondary school in London on a bright summer morning. Students are seen entering the school, chatting and laughing. The song "Young, Wild, and Free" by Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa plays softly in the background as the camera zooms in on a group of Year 11 students who have faced various challenges throughout their school years.)**

**(The camera follows them into the school building, where they gather at their usual spot near the lockers.)**

**Max:** (Leaning against the lockers) Can you believe it? Last day. Feels like we've been here forever.

**Jade:** (Sighs) Yeah, it's a bit surreal. I'm going to miss this place, despite everything.

**Aaron:** (Grinning) I'm not going to miss the exams, that's for sure.

**Lily:** (Quietly) It's going to be weird not seeing everyone every day.

**Tariq:** (Nods) Yeah, but we've got to look forward. College, apprenticeships... a new start.

**Emily:** (Smiling) We've made it this far. We can handle whatever comes next.

### Act I, Scene 2

**(The scene shifts to the staff room, where the teachers are preparing for the final assembly. They discuss the group of Year 11 students.)**

**Mr. Thompson** (the history teacher): Those kids have come a long way. Especially Max and his friends. They've had their struggles.

**Ms. Reynolds** (the principal): They've grown so much. Today is their day to celebrate.

**Mrs. Patel** (the English teacher): I just hope they realize how much potential they have.

**Mr. Davies** (the PE teacher): They'll do fine. They just need to believe in themselves.

### Act I, Scene 3

**(Back in the hallway, the bell rings, and the students head to their final assembly. The camera captures their mixed emotions as they enter the assembly hall, where banners and balloons are set up to celebrate their achievements.)**

**Ms. Reynolds:** (Standing at the podium) Good morning, Year 11. Today is a significant day – a day of reflection, celebration, and looking ahead to the future. You've faced challenges and you've overcome them. Today, we celebrate you.

**(The camera pans over the students, capturing their attentive faces.)**

**Max:** (Whispering to Jade) This is it. No turning back now.

**Jade:** (Smiling) We're ready.

### Act I, Scene 4

**(The scene transitions to a montage of flashbacks showing the students' journey from Year 7 to Year 11. Clips of school events, sports matches, drama productions, and everyday moments play, accompanied by "Our Last Summer" by ABBA. The montage ends, and the camera returns to the assembly hall where Ms. Reynolds continues her speech.)**

**Ms. Reynolds:** As you move on to new adventures, always remember the lessons you've learned here and the friendships you've made. You have the power to shape your future.

**(She pauses, looking at the students with pride.)**

**Ms. Reynolds:** Now, I'd like to invite a few students to share their thoughts and memories. First up, Max Carter.

**(Max stands up, walking to the podium amidst applause from the students and teachers.)**

**Max:** (Taking a deep breath) Hi everyone. I just want to say that these years have been a rollercoaster. We've had our ups and downs, but we've made it through together. Thank you to the teachers for believing in us, even when we didn't believe in ourselves. Here's to the future, and to all of us.

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