Part 1

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Middle Earth was a beautiful but dangerous world to live in, with elves,hobbits, dwarves, goblins and orcs. Hobbits were the merriest of them all, they had everything they ever needed close to home, never venturing further than Bree and nothing ever made them want to leave.

And that's where two very special people would meet. But before we can meet them we need a little bit more background. Long ago in the first age, creatures were being born with very special markings, it was a small marking like a tattoo that would help them find their soulmate. not very many were born with these markings.

long after the second age there were no sightings of the markings and everyone believed that they no longer existed, but it seemed as though fate was waiting for some very special people.

Now with that out of the way, in The Shire there lived a hobbit, and his name was Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo was very popular and well known within the shire, most Baggins were known to everyone. But there was one Baggins that no one knew about. Her name was Amara. She was kept away,secret and safe.

She was older than Bilbo by ten years, but did not arrive at Bag End until Bilbo had turned ten himself. Bilbo's parents were on the way back from a trip to Bree when they stumbled upon the small hobbit girl. She looked smaller than she should have been for her age, the Baggins couple thought she may have been out there for a while on her own.

She was malnourished and very skittish towards the hobbit couple but once they offered something warm to eat she felt slightly more comfortable with them as long as they kept their distance. The poor little hobbit girl was barely able to inform the Baggins of the unfortunate passing of her parents.

Amara was unconscious when she arrived in Bag End Bilbo's mother was trying to get the girl clean before placing her in bed when she saw the soulmarks. From then on Amara was not allowed to leave the house, Bilbo's mother fearing that if anyone else were to see the mark Amara would be taken.

The years passed and Amara grew much closer with the Baggins family. The couple had spent most of those years trying to figure out exactly where Amara had come from as it was not Known for hobbits to venture past Bree, but all their efforts were met with disappointment. No one had ever heard of a hobbit family that lived outside of the shire. So they decided to Keep her a secret where she could be safe.

Many years went by, Amara and Bilbo both longing for adventure until the day Bilbo's parents passed away. Amara had grown very close to the small hobbit family as they had kept her marks a secret, never holding it against her. After the loss of her new parents Amara grew weary of what was to come of her, would she ever meet her Soulmates?Or would she forever stay in this house for Bilbo to watch as they both grew older and eventually passed on themselves? 

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