chap 27

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*at the doctor*

Doctor- April family?

Everybody-*stands up*

Doctor- woah big family but any way I think you guys should come in the room so I can tell y'all & her

Everybody-*follows him to the room*

Doctor- okay so april was 2 weeks pregnant but she had a misscarraige

April- what!!! My own flesh& blood *cries*


Ray-*feels bad but walks out*

Roc-*hugs u* u good

You-*hugs back* yuh I just feel bad for her

Koko-*rocking Christopher*

Prince*rocking charisma*

Summer- I'm still a little mad but you my sister so I forgive u *hugs April*

April- *shocked about the misscarrage*

Koko-*gives the baby to roc& joins the hug*

You-*joins the hug*

April-*crying* i-i lost my baby & didn't even know I was pregant

Doctor- sorry to interrupt but we have to get the baby out of u so can u guys leave *smiles*

Everybody- *leaves*

April-red can u stay

You- sure *hold her hand*

Doctor- all u have to do push so we can get the baby out

April-*starts pushing*

You-*close eyes*

Doc- here it comes

April-*squeezing your hand pushing*

Doc-*hold up the dead baby* here it is
April-omg *closes eyes & Cry's*

You-*tearying up*

Nurse-*takes the baby*

Doctor- we will have to give u perscription to use for the pain that u might have

April- o-ok *crying hard*

You-*one tear drops*

Ym- *rushes in* what's going on

You- why the hell are u here

You- red I'm still your mother don't speak to me like that I'm here because I saw her all over the news talking about "ray ray from mindless behavior girl Freind had cheated on him with the Mr.jacob latamore && now is having a misscarrage"

April-*screams* now everybody hates me

You-*hugs her* it's alright
That was alot I a little bit cried because I start thinking off if that was me buhhhh let's see what happens next

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