Chapter 9

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(Oral, hand-job, D/s Session)


Nyathena was waiting outside the room when Caleb hurried over to her, his breath ragged. He managed to blurt out apologies between gasps.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he panted. "I got caught up with some of the accounts and lost track of time."

Nyathena had dismissed him after their excursion that morning, urging him to make some headway with the bookkeeping while she attended to other business.

She reached out a hand and gently touched his shoulder. "Don't worry," she soothed. "Catch your breath, we have plenty of time."

Caleb nodded, grateful for her understanding. He took a few moments to calm his breathing, drawing deep inhales that both invigorated and steadied his nervous agitation. He had been thinking of little else but this moment ever since their conversation in her solar room. The anticipation had lingered throughout the day, making time crawl agonizingly slowly. Just when he thought he was on track, an urgent matter with the accounts had delayed him, and now here he was, finally at the cusp of something he had been eagerly awaiting.

Nyathena's calm presence was a balm to his frayed nerves. He could feel the warmth of her touch through the fabric of his shirt, grounding him in the present. Her reassurance allowed him to focus, the frantic pace of his heart slowing to a more manageable rhythm.

As his breathing steadied, he looked up at her, finding comfort in her serene expression. "Thank you, Mistress," he said, his voice steadier now.

Nyathena reached out her hand and took hold of the doorknob. "Are you ready?" she asked, looking up at his taller frame.

"Yes, Mistress," he answered, using her private honorific to get his mind in the right place.

"Good," she said, pushing the door open and making her way into the centre of the dimly lit room.

Caleb followed her, his eyes adjusting to the soft glow of the candles scattered around the space. Wooden panels lined the walls, covered with deep red curtains trimmed in golden brocade. The floor was a plush sea of deep shag, layered with furs and cushions that beckoned with their promise of comfort. A single, large, high-backed chair stood before a hearth, the flickering candlelight casting warm, dancing shadows that made the room feel both intimate and expansive.

"Close the door behind you," Nyathena instructed as she moved gracefully into the room.

Caleb clicked the door shut with a single hand, taking in the room's opulent details. Despite the dim lighting, the warmth and rich colours were inviting, wrapping around him like a comforting embrace. He felt instantly at home within this secretive sanctuary, though a well of uncertainty about what was to come bubbled just beneath the surface.

He followed his Mistress, his steps soundless on the thick carpet. She paused by the high-backed chair, her fingers brushing over the ornate armrest before turning to face him. Her eyes met his, a soft yet commanding presence that grounded him, even as his heart quickened with anticipation.

"Tonight is about trust and connection," she said, her voice low and soothing. "Do you trust me, Caleb?"

"Yes, Mistress," he replied without hesitation, feeling the truth of his words settled deep within him.

"Good," she repeated, her eyes holding his. "Then let's begin."

As she guided him further into the room, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. Whatever lay ahead, he knew he was exactly where he was meant to be—by her side, in this hidden world they shared.

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