Dinner Dates and Confessions

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A/N: No diary entry hehe, you'll get one regarding the dinner date in the next chapter for sure though

True to his words, Shubman was outside Sara's house at sharp eight.

Anjali and Sachin had smiled at each other when he arrived.

Shubman scratched his nape with an awkward laugh as Sachin praised him.

" You're always very kind Sir."

Sachin chuckled, shaking his head.
" Oh no no no! You yourself are such an amazing player, I cannot help but say things like these, in fact I believe I fall short of words when it comes to appreciating you youngsters, you're all too good!"

" Sir, you're embarrassing me. The God of Cricket saying things like these makes me feel too proud. If it'd be someone else, I'd probably take it as a compliment and move on, but you saying this boosts my ego. I'm not so good!"

" It's always good to be humble Shubman, but you're awesome young man, always keep that in mind yes? And always keep growing!"

A coy smile spread across Shubman's face, his cheeks reddening as Sachin patted his back.

" Yes sir. Thank you sir." He mumbled shyly.

" Come on in?" Sachin asked him for the nth time and he felt embarrassed at having said no repeatedly.

" I insist." Sachin said with a smile, noticing his hesitation.

Shubman gave in with a nod, and as they turned to walk in, Sara walked out.

And she was wearing red.

God, she was wearing red.

An off-shoulder red dress upto her knees, with a pretty frill, red pencil heels to go with it, with minimal jewellery and makeup on.

She was going to be the death of him someday, and he would gladly let her.

" Let's go?" She asked breaking the silence and he nodded.

" Bye Sir!"

" Bye. Enjoy yourselves!"

" Thank you Baba!"

As they sat in, he stared at her yet again, and when she seemed to notice, she furrowed her brows at him, as if silently asking what was wrong.

" You're wearing red." He mumbled.

" Yeah. What's wrong? Doesn't look good?"

" No no no! You look stunning! You looking stunning either way, but you look all the more alluring when you wear red."

" Do I now?" She arched a playful brow and he nodded.

He handed her a bouquet of Daffodils, Irises and Tulips.

" Thank you. They're beautiful!"

He smiled.
" Daffodils represent new beginnings and hope for the future, Irises represent hope, faith and wisdom, and Tulips...well Tulips represent..."

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 [ Shubman Gill x Sara Tendulkar ] Where stories live. Discover now