Chapter Two

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"Knock knock knock knock knock" came the sound from outside. "Arhhhhhhh" goes a nasty groan of horror from the inside. "Who is it" someone from the inside asked."hello please does tyile live here" I asked and paused for sometime before saying "I am Alice uncle big scar's sister". After I said that the door opened. I was sent by uncle tiger tyile's distant relative to live with tyile not being fully aware of his true characters. Everything happened so fast that no one could realise it and when everyone woke up they thought it was a dream but it wasn't. Even I couldn't believe it and the most painful moment was me leaving the world like I had no dreams, no career or like someone who had no background. I was tortured and finally slaughtered like an animal. They didn't even bother to ask me for my last wish. I died after giving birth to my baby girl. She was so beautiful and I had already made so many plans about our future together before I was murdered. That was the last thing I remember before I was left here in an empty theatre with no one in it waiting for the perfect time to take my revenge.
Like I had already told you the people in my school are not what you see they are. Today I wasn't the last to come to school but Trisha was and the whole class except for me had set a trap for her so that as she enters the class she would get the shock of her life. Everywhere was silent as Mrs gracy taught the class. Within her she must have thought that we were being good children by paying careful attention to her but that wasn't the case. Everyone were waiting for trisha to enter the class so that she could be welcomed appropriately so as it was the custom of the class for late comers. The moment we heard footsteps everyone held their breath and as Trisha opened the door I had on my face a horrific look but Everyone else seem to have a somewhat happy face on. Immediately Trisha opened the door something fell on her and in an instant she was well decorated with glue. Now her entire uniform was ruined. Immediately this happened Everyone started laughing. I didn't join in the laugh because I know I wouldn't be happy if I were in her shoes. Suddenly I felt behind someone tapping me gentle and then whispering as I lean back "you are lucky you know that should have been you". I felt my heart fly out of my chest as my mouth flung open." They were not honestly planning to do that to me where they" I said out of fear and it was a little too loud that everyone turned one after the other to me as if saying "what did you say Wendy? We didn't hear it". Well I didn't mind I just turned back to see who it was that said that to me but there was no one. In fact coincidentally Trisha was the one who always Sat behind me. She isn't there so who spoke to me.
After the dream I had last night keeping cool became a problem. I know I had offended Alice and I know that i did terrible things out of lust but she should atleast forgive me. It was a repeated pattern of mistakes. I had loved her once because she was warm, kind and reassuring and she was smart too. Even though I knew she was in love with someone else I still wanted her to love me. I couldn't bear being rejected by anyone so much that I let it take over me and I ruined both her and her lover's life. I took their daughter and raised her as mine with the desire to change for the better because I regretted my action but Alice wouldn't let me be just yet. She wouldn't be forgiving me too easily and just like all my friends who supported me in doing all this to her died mysteriously she also wouldn't rest till I die too. Now if am going to die.. that's fine but then why take wendy.

Now there's a lot going on in tyile's mind. It is good to make memories but make sure they are good ones. He had trapped himself in to this mess and now he can't find any possible way out of it. On the other hand is Wendy, an innocent girl who doesn't even know anything about the past of the person who she stays with. She doesn't even know who her biological parents are, she only knows that tyile is her father and Edwards is her big bro. They are lots of things still hiding in the dark waiting to be seen by you.

It's 3pm in the afternoon and tyile hurrys to pick Wendy from school. Wendy was listening to her class discussion. They were all planning to go on camping. They all first agreed they would go camping after the session but then Wendy had told them it would be better to go with a teacher. There were lots of deliberations, argument as well as insults which were thrown at Wendy for suggesting they involve a teacher. "Don't worry everyone let me handle this" says glutton. Glutton was one of the pupil in our school who liked to take responsibilities for and of everyone and if possible he could make final decisions for all of us. He is proud and doesn't care what anyone thinks about him and he is also from a rich background. We all watched as glutton went straight to Mrs gracy and he had a very long conversation with her. It was so long a conversation that my legs started to ache and I had to sit down on the school bench."is he going to spend all the years of his life explaining that we want to go camping with her" says Richard. We all sighed and then chuckled at his remark. I soon caught sight of my dad and I ran towards him waving goodbye to my classmates. This is the first time I felt happy to be among them they always made me feel like an outsider and even I didn't like their company but today I just felt happy within me. I was even more happier when they all waved back and Alexander said "we will let you know what we decide tomorrow" and I replied "okay" as I ran into my dad's arms. He lifted me up and then he said"uhhhh you are so heavy ". We both laughed as we head home happily. It was a moment so pleasant that I would love to relive a hundred times." Do you know that today is grandpa's birthday"my dad said. I was surprised." so are we going to their place" I asked and he said" it's faraway. It's Shanghai and we are in Australia girl so no" but I was adamant "but we can fly there" and then he paused before saying " sure why not let's fly there on an eagle's back or wait how about we just disappear and reappear there it would be a very impressive entrance. What do think." It horrible terrible we're not doing that " I bluntly said this made he laugh and his laughter made me laugh as well. It was a heartwarming moment. When we got home the nanny had already made lunch so we just sat and ate. After eating my dad made a video call to grandpa and I spoke with him singing and wishing him a happy birthday. Grandpa smiled and thanked me. Soon after I left to my room in a bid to do my homework I fell asleep and soon started dreaming. In the dream I went to a fun fare. It was the most interesting place I have ever been. I kept walking around the open spaces. There were so much people moving to different directions. Some of the people wanted their children to try the merry go round, some wanted their Children to try the slide or seesaw but I wanted to try the roller coaster ride. I saw everyone get in and I joined as well. Everything was going smoothly and the ride was fantastic. All of a sudden I looked around and noticed the atmosphere changing. I felt something fishy but couldn't find out what it was. I felt like I could just stop the ride and get right down and start running but that wasn't possible so I kept still trying my best to enjoy the ride while I can. In the middle of it all, just when I thought I might be wrong, the roller coaster just stopped moving. We were hanging on the air. The machine had spoiled. We could not get out. We started screaming and the parents of the children who were also on the roller coaster also joined in the scream. A man named bangi walked up to the crowd and tried to calm them down telling them he would save us. Together with his three friends he started bringing us down one after the other with care. He was not even done yet and all of a sudden we had the crowd screaming "zombie zombie". 'Oh for goodness sake" I said to myself. The zombies were actually witches not zombies. They were killing people and also sucking their blood. Bangi helped me down. I was the last to get down. As my feet touched the floor; I took to my heels without looking around to know if a witch was chasing me or not. I ran as fast as I can avoiding all the witches at all possible cost but it was so difficult to do so. I was just running without knowing where my destination is and it was as if the road has no end. I felt a witch chasing after me from behind, I ran faster avoiding the sleeping darts of a witch by my right and avoiding the arrows of the witch at my left. I was small so I just bend my head to avoid the arrows and jump to avoid the darts. By doing all this the other witch coming from behind me caught me by my head. I was frightened and my body turned cold. She made a non understandable language and smiled. She held my body and I felt very light to her because I was small. It dawn on me that she was going to cut my head out of my body and so I became even more frightened. I was so frightened that i couldn't say a thing. I could only help but wonder why all these are happening to me and why am having horror dreams. She was turning my head the opposite and that too while pressing hard. I felt sharp pains and I opened my mouth to cry out loud but they was no sound coming out of my mouth. I was thinking I was going to die at that point but then I felt the Witch's body shake and I was released from her grip. As she released me from her grip I fell to the floor hitting my head hard on the floor. I felt weak and unable to move. I closed my eyes and then opened it to see a man in gold fighting the witches and I saw a man that looks like a lizard after which a man in black came to carry me away. My eyes felt weak and I fell asleep.

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