Her Decision

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I gazed at him in disbelief at his words. Memories of the past flooded my mind.

"Ashwath, I am willing to give you that control over me, but I have a request," I stated.

"What is it?" he inquired.

"I don't know how I became pregnant, but I want to carry this child to term. Whether it was a mistake or not, this innocent baby should not suffer. I cannot bear to abort or abandon this child. I have experienced the pain of not having parents, and I cannot subject this baby to the same fate. I request you, please accept this baby. Even if you refuse to accept me as your wife or harbor resentment towards me, I will understand."

"In that case, why not choose divorce?" Ashwath suggested.

"I want this baby to have a happy and dignified life. If you divorce me, the world will label this baby as illegitimate, and I cannot bear to subject the baby to that. Please grant my wish. I will never ask anything of you again," I pleaded, tears streaming down my face as I knelt before him. He couldn't comprehend why I was making such a desperate plea, as he was unaware of my past. Only I knew the reason behind my fervent request and tears.

Ashwath was taken aback and stepped back.

"Vennela, what is this? You're pregnant. You shouldn't have to do this," Ashwath said, helping me to stand.

Ashwath's words cut through me like a jagged blade.

"Okay, Vennela. Though I don't trust you, I accept to be the father to this unborn baby. This secret would stay between you and me. I promise you, but from now on, you should do whatever I say."

His voice had been cold, devoid of any warmth or compassion. I had agreed, desperate to salvage what remained of my life—a life entangled in a web of betrayal, manipulation, and secrets.

"I promise you that," I had replied, my heart heavy with the weight of our shared deception.

But Ashwath's return that night shattered any illusions of safety. His drunken stumble into our home was a stark reminder of the chasm between us. I confronted him, my voice trembling with anger and fear.

"Ashwath, what is this?" I demanded, my eyes taking in his disheveled appearance.

"Why do you care?" he slurred, bitterness dripping from his words. "You got what you wanted. A husband, a father for your baby. It's all about respect in society, isn't it? You refused divorce not out of love or commitment to our marriage, but to protect your precious reputation. And you, the daughter of that great man, play your part perfectly."

His accusations stung. I had never wanted this life—a life where my father's legacy overshadowed my own desires. But I had no choice. The truth would destroy everything—the fragile peace we had, the unborn life growing within me, and the delicate balance of secrets.

"Enough, Ashwath," I snapped, my patience fraying. "Even if I explained, you wouldn't understand. Not now."

He laughed bitterly, his eyes bloodshot and unfocused. "You know what? When you asked me to accept you as my wife, I thought you valued our marriage. When you endured my anger, my touch when I tried to force myself over you, I believed there was something real between us.

At some point, my heart even accepted you as my wife. That dance, cooking food for you, naughty banter for ice cream, everything I did with love. I even planned to propose to you after my friend's marriage, a surprise in Singapore—the city you loved. But now I see your true colors."

His words twisted the knife deeper. I had never intended to hurt him, but fate had other plans. The truth was more complex than he could imagine. Someone had betrayed us both, leaving me with a secret that threatened to tear our fragile bond apart.

"If I had accepted you as my wife," Ashwath continued, "if we had been intimate, I would have never known about your betrayal—even if you became pregnant. I would have assumed the child was mine. Clever plan, Vennela. You've outdone your father in deceit."

"Ashwath," I pleaded, my heart breaking. "I didn't know about this. I'm as clueless as you are."

But he didn't listen. "How could a woman become pregnant without her knowledge?" he roared, his face contorted with rage.

I had no answers. Only questions that led to darker truths. And as Ashwath's accusations echoed in the room, I vowed to uncover the source of our pain. I would find the betrayer, no matter the cost. For Ashwath, for our unborn child, and for the shattered remnants of my own heart.

How could I explain the truth, Ashwath? You're becoming insane, and I'm caught in a web of lies. But I won't rest until I unravel it all, I decided strongly.

"Ashwath, let's discuss this in the morning. For now, please rest," I urged, somehow managing to guide him to his room while he continued hurling accusations. I gently eased him onto the bed, my heart aching at the sight of his pain. Why did I feel this way? Amidst my own turmoil, his suffering gnawed at me. I pressed a kiss to his forehead before slipping away to my room.

Later, I realized I needed an update from Vishwak regarding their investigation. Ashwath had broken my phone, so I retrieved his and dialed Vishwak's number.

"Hello, Vishwak here. How are you, Ashwath?" Vishwak's voice crackled through the line.

"Vishwak, it's Vennela."

"Vennela? This is my friend's number. Who are you?" Vishwak sounded puzzled.

"Ashwath isn't with me. I'm safe. He broke my phone, so I'm calling from his without his knowledge."

"We've searched extensively, but there's no trace of how you became pregnant. Neither your father nor Yuvan used any medical means. We are clueless."

"If that's the case, find out if Yuvan ever forced me by drugging me or by any other ways. I don't even trust my dad. He might have also helped Yuvan to keep me under their control using this baby.

Also, I need information from a gynecologist. I got my period recently, yet I'm pregnant. How is that possible?"

"Understood, Vennela. I'll consult a doctor and investigate as you suggested."

"Thank you, Vishwak."

"How's Ashwath?"

"He's devastated, convinced I betrayed him. Came home drunk."

"We must uncover the truth before he grows to hate you further."

"Agreed. Bye."

I hung up, deleting the call history. The next morning, I packed my bags, determined to prove my loyalty to Ashwath. My love and commitment weren't mere pretense. I could raise our child alone if needed.

"Where are you going?" Ashwath's voice halted me as I descended the stairs.

"Leaving. I'll return once I've proven myself," I declared. His indifference surprised me.

Ignoring him, I headed for the door, but he gripped my wrist, pulling me close. His touch sent shivers through me.

"Go inside," he ordered, as though yesterday hadn't happened.

I struggled, but he traced his finger from my temple to my lips. "You're trapped in this marriage, Vennela. Leaving won't be easy. You're mine—whether I love or hate you."

His words stunned me. He sat on the sofa, legs crossed. "Mrs. Vennela Ashwath, revenge wasn't my sole motive. Do you think I would spoil my life by marrying you without love just for revenge? I married you because I want you. You're my love, my obsession. You belong to me—to love, obsess over, use, or hurt. I used revenge to make you mine. Stay in your room, or regret leaving me."

Obsession over me? What about his past love? My mind whirled. What had I stumbled into? I was stunned with his words.

Hi readers, How's the episode? Why is Ashwath so confusing? Is he obsessed with her?

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