The unveiling Truth

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The library's air was heavy with the weight of ancient secrets and the palpable tension of discoveries on the brink. George picked up the books he found when he researched on the painting of Evania. He stood frozen, his heart racing as a golden compass fell from the pages he had been poring over moments ago. It clattered softly on the wooden desk, a gleaming artifact that seemed to pulse with unseen energies.

Beside him, Evania gasped softly, her eyes widening as a faded vision swept over her like a specter from the past. George turned to her in concern, his voice a gentle whisper in the quiet of the library. "Evania, what happened? What did you see?"

Tears shimmered in Evania's honey-colored eyes as she struggled to find her voice, the memory of Morgana's desperate act and the ensuing chaos still fresh in her mind. "Morgana..." she began, her voice trembling with emotion. "She... she wasn't the villain. She was trying to protect me."

With each halting word, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place—a tale of friendship and betrayal, of sacrifice and sorrow that had been hidden beneath layers of mistrust and misunderstanding for centuries.

"Morgana's father," Evania continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "He threatened her... commanded her to kill me or face dire consequences. In desperation, Morgana used a spell—a mirror enchanted to trap me within a canvas, to hide me from harm."

George listened intently, his mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of what Evania was revealing. He then murmurs what he saw at the back of the painting, "To revive the one who is sleeping, say the name you see printed on the mirror..." he repeated softly, the words carrying the weight of revelation.

Evania nodded, tears now freely streaming down her cheeks. "Yes," she choked out, her voice raw with emotion. "But to release my spirit from slavery... I don't know how. Morgana was captured before she could tell me."

Together, they stared at the golden compass and the canvas that held Evania's enchanted form—a silent testament to the sacrifices made in the name of friendship and the enduring legacy of a love that transcended time itself.

As they sat in the library's embrace, surrounded by the echoes of a forgotten war and the whispers of ancient spells, George reached out to Evania—a gesture of comfort and solidarity in the face of overwhelming truth.

In Chapter Eighteen, George and Evania confront the haunting shadows of Morgana's sacrifice—a sacrifice that had sparked a brutal war and left Evania imprisoned within the confines of a canvas for centuries. Together, they embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of the mirror's enchantment, guided by the flickering light of revelation and the unwavering bond forged in the crucible of their shared quest for redemption.

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