His Malika{05}

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Wednesday 17th April 2020




"Shall we?" Asma asked me with a grin that accompanied her face which in return made me smile at her and then nodded my head in affirmative.

I got discharged after spending almost five days at this hospital. Naana left since yesterday and I haven't seen her since then. Asma came here to get me discharged because I callled and begged her to get me discharged she agreed on a few conditions tho... now that I think about it I have a feeling I might no will regret it but anyways let me have my moment.

Two days ago... I think Naana brought my phone for me and I was able to speak with Suzy(yasmeen)and my manager and all that good stuff so yeah.

We made it to the hospital parking space just in time to witness a horrific car accident where car was hit, brutally so by a truck-forgive me if I sound like someone without empathy but this looks like a kdrama scene- and the driver-a rough looking man with round features -fled the scene which rather fuels my earlier thought.

People are now gathered at the scene and I didn't even notice when- nurses and ward boys arrived at the scene- the patiens where wheeled past us. All I could see was a bloody and badly injured bodies-a woman and a child- which I promised you traumatised me because one minute I was standing rooted to my spot and the next my father was hugging me to himself telling me how worried and happy he is.

All I could think of was how familiar the woman looked to me and how I must go and find out if my suspicions is true. And If it is then...

"Give it back"

"No. It's mine not yours"

"When did it become yours"

"Since the day I bought it. Obviously,Now give it back "

"Why are you two fighting like children" Came Asmas voice. To be honest I also had enough so if she didn't say anything I would have.

"She took my charger without my permission" Ayaan vocalized with a pained expression with made fold my lips to stop myself from laughing

"I didn't take your charger, okay. Better go and look for where you kept your own" Nadiya replied to Ayaan

"It's okay Nadiya, I'll lend my stuff to you tomorrow. Shey it's life, take the charger. I'll get a new one it's nothing" He replies a very wicked grin taking over his features. I love this guy

"I don't want the charger any-"but before she can complete her sentence he's out of the living room like he was never there


28th March 2020

"Shaimaa and kawthar and Yusuf are coming tomorrow. So Ainau get the guest rooms at the girls and boys side ready and burn incense" Naana didn't even close her mouth when loud screams fill my ears accompanied by laughter

"Are you guys sure you're okay though" a very confused Naana asked the two of us that are now rollling on the kitchen floor

" I'm just so happy" I stated with a grin so wide my cheeks are starting to hurt

"Also come eat dinner in 10"Naana said to us and walked out of the kitchen.

Hauwaa and I happened to hear Naana addressing the maids to get the rooms ready. Both of us can be seen sporting huge grins that make us look a little bit creepy. But all is well.

Shaimaa and Kauthar are my maternal cousins and Hauwaa is my paternal cousin and it's been a few years since we all met at the same time and place. And the fact that they are spending most if not all of Ramadan in Abuja makes me super happy very satisfied.

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