Part 4

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She was on a case today so she didn't have to ride with him today. She was in her case when she got a message saying "i am back- c" The message sent a shiver down her spine, she knew exactly who it was. She quickly stood up and went to Gray's office. She knocked on the door before opening it. "What can I do for you, Chen?" he asked immediately as she entered. Without a word, she handed him her phone. He looked confused before glancing at it. "Okay, this is not good, but also..." he started. "What do you mean also?" she interrupted. "

we can track where it came from" he asked as he opened his computer and started working. Minutes flew by, and suddenly Gray broke the silence. "I'll have officers there in a minute, don't worry, we'll find him today." Something in Lucy's eyes brightened, and she smiled gratefully at his prompt response. Suddenly, the radio crackled to life: "We have the suspect in custody and are heading to the station." "Looks like he's coming here," Lucy said, and Gray nodded. Gray stood up and gave her a hug. They embraced for a moment before someone came in. "Sir, Caleb is here now," an officer announced. Lucy and Gray exchanged a glance, and then Gray nodded before they let go of each other. "Do you want to come?" Gray asked, and Lucy nodded. They left his office and walked to one of the rooms in the back with high security. Gray entered first, followed by Lucy. "Well, well, long time no see," Caleb said when he saw her. Lucy looked around the room and met the confused gazes of her friends Angela, Nyla, and Tim. She wondered why they were there since she thought they were out on patrol. "Cut it out," Gray said sharply to Caleb. "Why so scared, Lucy?" Caleb mocked. When she didn't respond, he got an idea. He knew what would make her react. "Stars shining bright above you," he began to sing. Lucy felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Shut up," she managed to stutter. "Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you,'" he continued. Tim, Angela, Nyla, and Gray were really confused by her strong reaction. "Cut it out," Gray said in his strict voice. He pulled Lucy aside to check on her. "Lucy, I think it would be best if you stepped out," he said concerned, and she nodded and walked out. "Aww, she got so scared she needed a break," Caleb mocked. Gray returned to the conversation, and they continued questioning Caleb before transferring him to a secure facility. Tim, Angela, and Nyla went to the break room to talk about what had happened with Lucy. "What was that?" Nyla asked as she took a seat, and the others followed. "Yeah, why was she so scared of him?" Angela wondered. Tim was quiet, and Angela understood what he was thinking about. "Timothy, what are you hiding?" Angela asked.Tim looked at her with guilty eyes " em yesterday when i came over at her house because i wanted to check on her. She told me that she knew the victim. But then why did he know that? Then i thought that, in her words " you could say that" but i don't think she knew her i think it was her. That would explain why she is so scared and the trans fer" tim said, putting the pieces together. And something with that made Angela and Nyla release that he was right. " That would explain it" Angela said " but why would she hide it?" Nyla asked, " Maybe she didn't want anyone to know because she might have thought that we would treat her differently." Angela concluded " we should find her before our shift ends" tim said and stood up with a rush. Angela and Nyla also stood up and they started to search, there was only one palace left, the changing rooms. Nyla and Angela went in just to find her sitting on the bench beside her looker crying " aw lucy" angela said and they sat down beside her. Angela pulled her in for a hug and held her for a minute, Nyla comforting her by her hand on her back as she texted Tim that they had found her. As lucy started to calm down she spoke up " thanks" " no problem" angela said " are you okay"Nyla asked her and she nodded and pulled away from angela's embrace." yeah, i am fine" she said and looked to the ground " no you are not" Nyla admitted for her. " look we know what happend" Nyla began and she felt lucy get stiff " we put the pieces together, so we could be wrong but both of us know we aren't " Angela added "no" lucy said and breathed out deep " why didn't you tell us" Nyla asked. Lucy shrugged her shoulders and stood up " i don't know, i guess i don't like to talk about it, brings back memories you know" lucy said " i am going to go home now" she added and went out of the locker rooms. Angela and Nyla tried to stop her but had no luck. But luckily Tim did, he took her by her arm and pulled her in for a hug. She tried to pull away but he held her tight and comfy " don't do what i think you will do" he said, breaking the quietness. She was quiet and before she knew it she was home, she was confused she didn't know how but as soon she saw Tim she understood. She was laying in her bed on tims chest. " sorry" she said and got up from him " no no need to, i guess you were to zoned out to remember anything" he said, and she nodded'' well i brought you home after the hug as you weren't responsive and you would probably drink away your night if i would have left you alone" he said. She laid back down on his chest, she felt safe.She could relax now that caleb was in prison and she would be safe, with tim besides her, her soulmate 

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