Too late to apologize

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Tim blames himself for Lucy's kidnapping and can't cope with it so well so he is taking it out on Lucy . " Why can't you do anything right?" Tim snapped at her after holding something in her hand. " sorry" she said as she looked down and switched hands. She didn't really feel like apologizing anymore, he would always be like that so she had started to not give it any attention. But she knew deep down that every time he would snap at her and comment something, something inside her broke a little bit more. 

As their shift went on it was now lunch and Tim made a big mistake by commenting on her food " are you really eating all of that" Tim said to her. Angela,Nyla, Jackson and John stopped what they were talking about immediately and looked at them. " okay that is enough. You need to stop commenting about every little thing I do or don't do. But now it is too far. Got it you can shut up!" she snapped at him looking him in the eyes as she started to tear up. The others were surprised by his comment and her snapping; they didn't know that he had been commenting on everything she had done. " oh come on i am not doing that and i am a little right i mean that is really much" tim said to her. she just stayed quiet and looked away from him not having an appetite anymore " oh bhu hu don't answer me then, pathetic" he said to her. This caused Lucy to stand up and go to the bathroom, she couldn't bear to be with him anymore. " Tim what the hell" Angela said to him angrily " what is wrong with you you can't comment that" nyla said to her john and jackson were too stunned to speak " what she deserved it " he said and took a bit of his burrito " no she really didn't, why are you so mean to her she has done nothing" angela said to him in disbelief " she is so annoying" he said " i shouldn't have saved her from that barrel" he added under his breath but what he didn't know was that lucy stood behind him. The others didn't hear his comment but when they saw Lucy's face drop they understood that it was not something good at least. She stormed off to the shop and waited for him to finish so they could go on with their shift. 

Angela, Nyla, JAckson and John kept explaining how wrong he was but he didn't listen. When shift had ended Lucy went home, she got home crying as she thought of what tim had said to her. As she layed on her bed she thought actually if he was right, her phone was blowing up with questions from her friend if she was okay. She turned off her phone and threw it on the floor, which made it crake. as she kept crying she was thinking and thinking which made her breath heavenly of all the memories coming back from the kidnapping. SHe wanted to forget about it so she thought of one of the only reasons that could get her out of her mind, cutting. She went into the bathroom and found a blade and started to cut her thighs. When she was done she looked in the mirror and was disguised. 

She wanted to get out of her brain so she took out a bottle of vodka from her refrigerator and opened it. She drank almost half of it before going to bed. The next morning she woke up with a hell of an headice. She popped some pills and then took them. She turned on her phone and saw 43 missed calls and 139 messages from her friends, but one stood out for her " boot if you don't answer now I will make you regret it" that sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't know why but she got scared of him. As she did that she did her makeup and hair then headed to work skipping breakfast as she felt discussed by eating. 

When she arrived she was greeted by Nyla and Angela by her looker worrying. " Why aren't you answering your phone?" Angela said worried as she hugged her and then NYla. ''I don't have the energy to make up an excuse. I ignored you" Lucy said and smiled to make the situation less awkward." Well okay, but I talked to Gray and you will be riding with me the rest of the week" angela said" Thanks anyway i should change" lucy said and she grabbed her uniform and changed in one of the stalls. After she had changed she went to roll call and sat down. " why weren't you answering" john said " yea what happened are you okay?" Jackson asked, " I need a new phone," she said, smiling and looking at them both. " You broke it" John asked " yes" Lucy said. Gray came in and started a roll call " okay guys settle down. Today we will swish it up a little. Lopez and Chen, Harper and Nolan and Bradford and west" he said, Lucy could feel tims eyes on her for the rest of the roll call. When it was over Lucy got up ignoring tim yelling at her and got their warbags. She put them in the shop and sat down in the passenger seat. " what an as" angela said, which made lucy chukel" yea a real one we have here" lucy said. They pulled out of the garage and started patrolling. They were catching up a bit when Angela took up the subject from yesterday " You know what Tim said about your food, it was not okay. Don't listen to him he is an as" Angela said to make her feel better but it did nothing for Lucy. " I mean you are right about the as part" Lucy said, she didn't agree with the first part " not the first" Angela asked her confused " yea i mean it was a bit too much" Lucy said. Angela pulled over and looked at her, giving her all of her attention " Lucy you are perfect and you can not listen to him. It was a perfect amount of food okay. You deserve to eat" Angela said to Lucy. " yea sure" lucy said " yes lucy " angela replied and they went on with their shift.

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