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The next day, as Zain was flipping through the morning newspaper, an article caught his eye. It detailed the breathtaking beauty of a large lake in Hunza, a place he had always wanted to visit. As he read, an idea formed in his mind. He decided he wanted to plan a trip there for Ayesha, to thank her for everything she had done for him. Excitement filled him, but so did apprehension. Planning such a trip would take time, and the biggest challenge was finding the right moment to ask Ayesha about it.

Zain spent the next few days meticulously planning every detail of the trip. He researched the best routes, booked transportation, and even looked up the best places to eat and stay. But every time he thought about asking Ayesha, his nerves got the better of him. He would start the conversation, only to change the subject at the last moment.

Ayesha noticed Zain’s odd behavior. “Zain, you’ve been acting strange lately. Is everything okay?” she asked one evening as they sat together on the porch.

Zain smiled nervously. “Everything’s fine, Ayesha. Just thinking about a few things.”

Ayesha’s curiosity was piqued, but she didn’t press further. She watched Zain closely over the next few days, noticing his increasing frustration and how he seemed to avoid her more and more.

One afternoon, unable to bear the mystery any longer, Ayesha confronted Zain. She found him in his study, staring blankly at his notes.

“Zain, we need to talk,” she said firmly, pinning him against the wall with her gaze. “What’s going on? You’ve been so distant and puzzled.”

Zain sighed deeply and handed her a folded note. “I’ve been trying to find the right way to tell you this. Please, just read it.”

Ayesha took the note and unfolded it. As she read, her heart softened.


I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for everything you’ve done for me. Your kindness, your patience, and your unwavering support mean the world to me. You brought me back from a dark place and filled my life with light. I want to show you just how much you mean to me by taking you on a trip to Hunza. I’ve been planning it for days and couldn’t find the right way to ask. I hope you’ll come with me and let me give you a fraction of the joy you’ve given me.

With all my heart,

Ayesha looked up from the note, her eyes filled with emotion. She chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Zain, you could have just told me. You’re such a baby sometimes,” she said, teasingly. “Of course, I’ll go with you. And next time, just say what’s on your mind.”

Relieved, Zain smiled. “Thank you, Ayesha. I promise, I’ll try to be more straightforward in the future.”

They decided that July would be the perfect time for the trip, with the temperature ideal for exploring Hunza’s natural beauty. The weeks leading up to their departure were filled with excitement and preparation. They packed their bags, making sure to include everything they might need for their adventure.

Finally, the day arrived. They set off early in the morning, catching a bus that would take them to the nearest town where they could switch to a jeep for the journey to Hunza. The ride was long but filled with anticipation. As they traveled, the landscape changed from bustling towns to serene, green hills and towering mountains.

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