the dinner

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Chris was in his room trying to pick out an outfit for the family dinner. His sister Gigi was bringing her boyfriend and his family .his sister was the perfect one perfect boyfriend perfect grades perfect in every way Chris on the other hand wasn't perfect you see he was trans and he had tattoos and piercings his family didn't respect his choices and so he had to cover up all his tattoos and take out his piercings he told his boyfriend Ricky to do the same with his as Chris decides on a purple and black skull sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans. As he's getting dressed his phone rings. He answers the phone "Hello?" Ricky on the other line replies "hi Chris I'm almost there do you want me to sneak in or use the front door?" Already knowing the rules of Chris's house. "Use the front door and you know what name to call me even though I hate it." Chris replies as he's already walking downstairs. His dad is walking down the same time as Chris "so this boyfriend of yours better not be all tattooed and that stupid shit like you have and change you outfit you look stupid were a dress you're a lady." Chris's dad warns. "he's not and I covered everything up with makeup and took them out dad." just on time the doorbell rings Chris rushes to the door to find Ricky tattoo less and piercing less in a suit with roses. "I brought these for you, my love. "He hands Chris the Rose's "thank you Ricky." Chris's father walks down "oh Richard I didn't know your Abigail's boyfriend." Chris's dad adds in "we started dating a couple months ago I hope it's not an issue Mr. Cerulli?" Ricky smiles and wraps an arm around Chris "not at all, I'll put those flowers in a vase and maybe you can help Abigail pick out a dress to wear. Also if she hasn't told you we are having dinner with Gigi's boyfriend's family and I don't know if you're vegan like her but there will be vegan options." Ricky forces a smile "I'm fine with anything and Abigail did mention it, but I'll go help her pick out something." Ricky grabs Chris hand knowing the way to Chris's room he leads the two of them to the bedroom and shuts the door. "That was so awkward I hated Rick! Now I have to wear a stupid dress!" Chris exclaims in frustration. "I know but your outfit is adorable though and it's weird seeing you without tattoos." Ricky says as he pulls Chris down to kiss him. Chris chuckles "I'm kind of used to it with you because you have to hide them every time you come over to this shit hole!" Chris opens the closet and picks up a black dress with skulls on it and a black and purple dress "which one should i wear you know how to please my parents more than I do?" Chris asks in an annoyed tone. "I hate both on you, but I would go with the purple and black one with your fishnets and combat boots." Ricky says as he's grabbing Chris's fish nets. "Well Ima go change in the bathroom so you can just sit in here I'll be quick and open the door, they will get pissed if it shut." Chris grabs the dress and fishnets and rushes to the bathroom and changes. As Chris is done, he runs into his mom "oh Abigail you look beautiful in that dress. Is your boyfriend here? I want to meet him!" Chris's mom asks, "oh yeah he's in my room you meet him before mom." he responds as leads her to his room "it better not be that Justin guy he's bad news." Chris's mom has a worried look on her face. Ricky steps out of the room once he hears Chris and his mom coming." Good evening Ms. Cerulli and Abigail my love you look stunning" Ricky says as wraps an arm around Chris. "Good evening to you, Ricky. I'm glad Abigail found someone as good as you Richard. Sebastian and his family should be here soon, so I suggest you both come down to the living room soon and thank you Abigail for covering up your tattoos." Chris's mom replies with a smile. "I need to finish getting ready, Rick and I will right be down as soon as I'm done!" Chris tells his mom as he goes into his room with Ricky and gets the rest of his makeup done. "Your mom is way better than your dad Chris." Ricky says as he helps Chris with his hair. "The consent deadnaming isn't fun but it's better than being homeless also don't forget band practice is canceled for tomorrow." Chris says as he finishes up his eyebrows. "I know since I'm staying the night if your parents let me." Ricky smiles as he finishes Chris's hair. "I hope so shall we go downstairs my horror king." Chris holds out his hand. "Let's get this shit show done!"Ricky grabs Chris's hand as they walk to the living room and cuddle up on the couch. The bitch herself Gigi walks down the stairs. "Why is Ricky here? I thought your lame boyfriend was coming?" she says in a bitchy tone "Ricky is my boyfriend he has been for 4 months and you're lucky i covered up my tattoos for your fuck boy and his family.'' Chris says with an eye roll, Ricky smirks and snickers. "Abigail, watch your tone and mouth with your sister. 'Chris's dad warns. "Sorry to interrupt Mr. Cerulli but I was wondering if I could stay the night? I understand if I can't." Ricky says with a smile "yes as long as you aren't doing anything bad with Abigail.'' Chris's dad responds, "oh no sir, I wouldn't do anything like that." Ricky says as he wraps an arm around Chris. Chris's dad looks at the two. "Dad, I canceled the band practice like you asked." Chris smiles, "Is Ricky going to join us for mini golf with Sebastian's family?" Chris' dad asks "yeah he is but we have to go to Vinny's after to get hi-" the doorbell rings interrupting Chris. Chris' dad opens the door and it's Gigi's boyfriend and his family. "Welcome to dinner is almost ready, the two on the couch are our oldest Abigail and her boyfriend Ricky." Chris' dad says with a smile. "She looks satanic with the makeup and outfit. how can she date such a normal young man?" Sebastian's mom comments.

Chris holds onto a fake smile trying not to seem too upset. "she's the black sheep in the family but it's nice to see you Ms. Briones you are looking lovely this evening." Gigi says as she grabs the containers in Sebastian's moms' hands. "Abigail, grab what's in your sister's hands and don't make her do all the work." Chris's dad demands. Chris grabs what he needs to grab and brings it to the dinner table and sets them down then goes back to Ricky and checks his phone. "Want to leave i mean i need to change out of this outfit because vin is having a party, and it seems better than this shit show?" Chris whispers to Ricky. "Chris, we both need a shower. We can see if we can sneak out after dinner." Ricky whispers back, Chris just nods and sighs. "What's wrong with her, why is she being moody?" Mr. Briones asks. "Oh, it's just our band mate just got a new puppy today and we had to decline seeing her tonight." Ricky responds for Chris. "Band mate? you're in a band what type of music?" Mr. Briones asks. "Metal I'm the singer and Ricky is the guitarist, but he also plays bass." Chris responds with a smirk, "Oh that's horrible music, don't most of those people have tattoos?" Ms. Briones asks. "Dinner is done, the left is vegan, and the right is normal!" Chris's mom interrupts. "Who's vegan?" Sebastian asks. "Me, I'm vegan." Chris replays with an eye roll as Ricky dishes his and his boyfriend's plates. "Oh, thanks rick for making my plate, how sweet of you." Chris smiles and kisses Ricky's cheek. "you're welcome love and right after dinner me and Abigail have to go. My mom needs our help since Abigail is tall." That's fine also Abigail you can stay over at his place we don't need you to join us tomorrow" Chris's dad responds "okay then I'll bring clothes to Ricky's" Chris finishes his meal quickly. "Thank you, Ms. Cerulli, for dinner. Me and Abigail should get ready. I'm sure she will need a shower before we go." Chris rushes into his room with Ricky and grabs the outfit from before. "I'll be quick, can you grab my clothes and tell vin practice is tomorrow?" Chris askes Ricky, rushing to get out of his horrible outfit. "I got it Chris go shower." Already texting the others and getting Chris's clothes in a bag. Once Chris is done putting his piercings back in and his makeup done. "Ready to go? We can stop by your house so you can get back to normal. " suggested. "Yes, I hate being caked in makeup that isn't the black paint!" Ricky replays and grabs Chris' bag. "I'm leaving bye!" Chris screams as he runs out of the hell he calls home.

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