The new bird

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Oliver, or his full user tag OliDrag0n, was chilling in his starter base when he noticed a bird boy, specifically a parrot boy, building off the coast. He was curious so he shrugged and walked outside. Walking to the coast and shouting "hey! Are you the new Hermit?" The parrot stopped placing sand and looked over. His wings shake excitedly and he nods "Yeah! Hi I'm Grian!" He says his tone excited. "I'm Oliver!" Then I flew up and over to his little sand platform "What is this?" I ask confused "I'm making a ship in a bottle" Grian replies, calmly but Oliver is just in awe. "Huh? How?"

"By using sand to get rid of water, then using glass to make a bottle shape and digging out the sand" He replied smiling "I've been here since season 3... and I don't know if I've done anything underwater like that..." Oliver said rubbing the back of his neck "I've made cool stuff though" He smiles and opens his mouth the list them off but Grian cuts him off "I get it... your a fellow builder" He laughs and places one final sand block

"Do you want to watch me do this?" he asks stepping off the sand and onto a platform and Oliver follows. "Sure" He responds and Grian starts digging under the sand. But soon enough the sand came back up, it had broken on the slabs and floated back up. "What? What happened?!" Grian said confused and dived down, then came back up soon after.

-O L I V E R ' S POV-

I watch him resurface and wait for him to explain "so there's slabs down there and what happened is the sand is breaking on the slabs" He explains and I nod. Then I sigh and ask if he wants any help "so.. want me to help break the slabs?" "Uh yes please" he replied with a soft tone and a sigh. I couldn't help but smile at how cu- how cool... he is. (Yes I'm already gayifying it. Shut up)

Then we both dive into the water and get rid of the slabs pretty easily. Only having to go up for air once or twice before it was good to go. I watched as Grian replaced the sand, broke the blocks under it, and let it fall, clearing the water then he dives down and places the glass down. He comes up for air and a few more pieces of glass and I say goodbye "I should get going now" I smile and Grian nods

"Bye Oli!" He waves goodbye, and I fly away smiling. I arrive at my base and go to my desk where the plans for my mega base are laid out. It was for the future but plans are always good. I went to draw the side but ended up drawing a parrot. Why did I do that?

I quickly erase it and shake all thoughts out of my head. I don't know why I drew that but I quickly got back to drawing the side of my base. I was going to make a huge monolith on top of a round disk. The monolith will be filled with farms. The round disk will be where I sleep and it will be the main part of the base.

I sigh in contentment of what I've planned. I walk to my bed to sleep and start drifting off before a tap was heard out my window. I quickly sit up and pull out a diamond axe, slowly stepping to the window. I open it and Grian just slips in. "Holy Void!" I yell and stumble back, looking over at him with just a bit of anger in my eyes, but relief that it wasn't some random person. "Grian..." I say shaking my head

Pesky bird - a silly little guy

Pesky bird - a silly little guy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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