II. The First Halloween Ball (First Year)

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Hannah woke up at the time she normally does, well before her first class of the day in order to give her time to freshen up and prepare for the classes ahead. She looked around to see that she was the only person in her dorm room. After a brief moment of panic, Hannah realized that the Halloween Ball was tonight. She realized that most of the girls of her year were probably rushing around, working on their dresses and finding last minute dates. Nobody seemed particularly interested in taking Hannah to the ball, but she didn't really care. Hannah really wanted to enjoy tonight, no matter what, regardless of if she had someone to go with or not. Most of my dorm mates just assumed that Hannah wasn't going because she didn't have a date and didn't really express a lot of interest in going. However, Hannah hung up the dress she had been working on for quite some time now. Hannah had made a beautiful black masquerade mask to go with it. 

The dress itself was a beautiful ball gown style dress. It was emerald green with black accents. It was elegant and mature, yet age appropriate. Hannah was incredibly excited to wear it later that evening. The dress wasn't overdramatic, it was simple and pretty. Hannah wasn't too worried about going alone, she was sure she wouldn't be the only one there without a date. Maybe she could even find someone there to hang out with. She knew Hermione was going to be there, so Hannah thought that maybe she could hang out with her. As Hannah thought of Gryffindor she smiled at the thought of Fred and George Weasley. According to Ron, they throw a prank every year on Halloween. Hannah just hoped that she wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. After checking on everything, Hannah carefully put away her dress, being sure not to damage it in any way. She then changed into her school robes, as class would be starting soon.

Hannah began to make her way downstairs. She heard the echoes of excited chattering as soon as she opened the door. When she made it to the main room, she noticed the Halloween decorations that the house elves must have put up last night while everyone was sleeping. Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, Pumpkin Pasties, Treacle Tarts, and even Lemon Drops were scattered all around the Common Room. Hannah noted that the lemon drops must have been an addition from one of the Professors as they were usually considered a Muggle treat. Hannah thought that she may have seen Dumbledore popping one into his mouth on some occasions after dinner, maybe it was him. Hannah grabbed a treacle tart on the way out, she had forgotten breakfast over all the excitement.

When Hannah arrived to class she was happy to discover that most of the Professors had the sense to correlate their lessons with the ball. For instance, Professor Flitwick, the Charms professor, went over seamstress charms. He also went over hair changing charms for both boys and girls. Hannah eagerly took note of both, knowing she may need them to do some last minute touch ups on her hair and dress. Hannah's next class was History of Magic with Professor Binns, which was of course, about the history of the Hogwarts Masquerade Ball. The book we were looking in had some pictures of several notable figures as students in Hogwarts and what they wore one year.

Hannah's next class was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall class was probably Hannah's favorite of the day. Hannah learned how to turn dull and lifeless fabrics into gorgeous silks and satins. The next class of the day was Astronomy, Professor Sinistra went over Libra and Scorpio, the October constellations. Hannah's penultimate class of the day was Herbology, where Professor Sprout taught her students about different herbs that are used in perfumes and breath-freshening products.

Finally, it was time for Hannah's final and possibly least favorite class, Potions. However she was rather confused, as the man was continuing to limp around the classroom. He had been like this for at least a week now but Hannah just brushed it off. This class was the one that Hannah noticed most of the students complaining about. Each student had to work on a boil-healing potion from memory. Hannah actually thought that this was rather generous of the usually cold hearted Professor. Many girls and boy struggled with uncontrollable acne and this could help, even if it was just for a night. Hannah was thrilled as she had recently studied this very topic in her Potions book and was able to be the first person to finish her potion, much to the dismay of Hermione Granger. Hannah even got an eyebrow raise from Snape for being the first person with an "acceptable" potion. In Hannah's eyes, an "acceptable" from Snape was like she had just crafted and artisan masterpiece. As Hannah sat and waited for the others to finish, she overheard two Ravenclaw boys talking about how a girl actually asked Snape to the dance. Hannah had no idea if they were serious but apparently Snape merely bounced back with a signature sarcastic response followed by a point deduction and detention. Hannah was wondering what the girl would have even been expecting in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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