Chapter 1: A New Frequency

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Alastor's POV

I awoke with a start, the echoes of my final battle still ringing in my ears. The last thing I remembered was Adam's devastating blow, and then... darkness. But this, this was not the inky void of death I had expected. No, this was something entirely different.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a dingy alleyway, surrounded by towering structures that seemed to scrape the very heavens. The air was thick with the acrid stench of pollution and the unmistakable tang of fear. How delightful!

I stood up, brushing off my suit and adjusting my monocle. It seemed that in this new world, I still possessed the ability to shift between my demonic form and my human disguise. How convenient! I decided to maintain my human appearance for the time being – no need to cause a panic just yet.

Authors Note: This is what he looks like, plus a red stovepipe hat- more commonly called a top hat.

As I stepped out of the alley, I was greeted by a sight that made my eternal grin widen even further

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As I stepped out of the alley, I was greeted by a sight that made my eternal grin widen even further. The street before me was a cacophony of noise and activity, with throngs of humans scurrying about like ants. But these were no ordinary humans. They were dressed in ragged clothes, their faces gaunt and marked with the signs of hard labor and harder lives.

I tuned into the ambient sounds, my innate ability to pick up radio waves serving me well even in this strange new place. The airwaves were filled with a curious mix of propaganda, religious fervor, and barely contained panic. How absolutely fascinating!

"Excuse me, my good man," I called out to a passing laborer, my voice carrying its usual charismatic lilt. "I seem to have found myself a bit turned around. Would you be so kind as to tell me where I am?"

The man looked at me with a mixture of suspicion and fear. "You're in the underhive of Hive Primus, of course. Where else would you be?" He eyed my well-kept suit with growing unease. "You're not from around here, are you?"

I chuckled, the sound carrying an unsettling static beneath it. "Oh, you could say that. I'm something of a... traveler. Tell me, my friend, what year is it?"

The laborer's eyes widened. "It's the 41st millennium, you addled fool! Have you been hitting the obscura? Get out of here before you attract the attention of the Arbites!"

With that, he hurried away, leaving me to ponder this new information. The 41st millennium? My, my, what an interesting turn of events! It seemed I had not only crossed the boundaries of death but of time and space as well.

I decided to take a stroll through this "underhive," drinking in the sights and sounds of my new playground. The further I walked, the more I realized that this world was a veritable buffet of misery and despair. It was almost enough to make me homesick for Hell!

As I turned a corner, I came across a group of rough-looking individuals harassing a young woman. Now, normally I wouldn't interfere in such delightful displays of human cruelty, but I was in need of information, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to test my powers in this new realm.

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