6 - Unexpected Visitor

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As soon as Viola and her dad got home, Viola scrubbed herself clean several times, threw her wasted clothing in the trash (did blood stains come out?) and decided to hang up that Halloween decor. Besides, she didn't just experience the most traumatizing event in a while for nothing.


Viola sighed and flipped her phone open to check a new text.

Hey Vi, heard smtg went down @ the store. True? n how are you feeling? :/

Viola couldn't help but smile. Leo was just so caring. She sent a text back:

True. I'm OK I guess... Thx for checking. I'm hanging up halloween decor atm

Good to hear ur OK, n decorating sounds fun! Wish I could join :$

Viola giggled. She actually giggled. God, Viola hated people who giggled. She shook her head at herself and sent Leo an invite to come help her out with decorating. He replied with:

:) OMW. see u soon!

Viola felt it would be incomplete without Jade so she sent out a quick invite to her as well, not to mention the fact that if she found out the pair of them hung out without her she'd be pretty butthurt.

Fifteen minutes later, Viola made her way to the entrace after the doorbell went off.

"Hey, Leo. Hope you don't mind taking your shoes off. I just mopped the floors," Viola smiled sheepishly, opening the door wider for the boy.

"Sure," Leo grinned.

"Uhhhh... hold on. What is that?" Viola's eyes narrowed as she zoned in on the plastic bags hanging off Leo's arms.

"Just some snacks and stuff," Leo shrugged, pushing his shoes over to the side.


"Us, obviously."

Viola was flattered, but she hated the feeling she got knowing people spent money on her.

Leo flashed a cheeky grin at her and made his way to the house den. It was kind of weird how he knew his way around already. He'd never been over before.

Viola shrugged it off and went to get them both glasses of iced tea before making her way into the den. Setting them down over coasters, she jutted out a hip and propped an arm on it. Why? Because Leo was smirking up at her with his (actually pretty attractive, not that Viola would ever admit it) face hovering over the pile of laid out goods.

"What is all of this?" Viola laughed.

"I thought maybe after we finished decorating we could watch a movie and just chill?" Leo tried.

"What's the occasion?"

Leo sighed and straightened up.

"I know you're spooked about what went down at the store earlier and I thought this would help keep your mind off it for while... Plus, this is one of my favourite movies and I want you to watch it while eating all the junk food I got for you," he laughed, holding up Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

"Wha- how did you know that was one of my favourite movies?"

Leo frowned quizzically. "Lucky guess," he mumbled distractedly.

"Well," Viola started, "I don't want to be up too late so we might as well get this done. I guess decorating for the coolest holiday in existence can wait till later. Only for Clementine and Joel."

"Only for Clementine and Joel," Leo agreed. "Oh, the popcorns done," he whispered a beat later.

"Oh, I didn't hear the," -- beep beep beep. "Never mind."

Viola brought the popcorn back and dipped a kernel into cupcake icing as the opening scene began. She grinned as Leo scrunched his nose up at her taste in food combinations and fell softly into the sound of Jim Carey's voice.

Movie-Mary was in the middle of screaming at Mark Ruffalo when Viola heard her dads keys drop into its designated tray.
"Dads home," she said automatically, and then realized he was whispering. Angrily, actually, and it took a moment to understand that he was on the phone.

Straining her ears, she managed to pick up a few adrift words.
"No... How many times do we have to discuss this? I've told... leave her be... And what about Ares?... Temi!"

Temi? What was her dad doing talking about her mother? Unless... unless of course it was her mother that he was speaking to. But, no, she thought. Because as far as she knew, Violas mother and father didn't argue these days. In fact, they never really used to anyways, and her dad never said no to anything. And who was Ares?

Viola was startled by Leo's shift next to her, but thankful for the new contact of his chin on her head. It stole her attention away from the whispers and brought it to the sound of his breathing. Still, Viola couldn't help but feel that something strange was brewing, and it wasn't a feeling she liked at all.


A/N .:;:.

I wrote half this chapter almost a year ago and the rest of it today, believe it or not. truthfully I didn't like this chapter, but thankfully...

time away from the drawing board has done me well, it seems! I'm going to be doing some editing with the story, making it flow smoother and add to the plot, as I've got big big plans in store for the people of Beacon Hills. Thank you to those who have added this to their reading lists and recommended it to their friends. It means the Galaxy and more! Hope u stick around.

this is where I would fist bump you if we were talking face to face, so, imagine I've given you an endearing fist bump and have left, because that's what I'm doing. see y'all in a bit! 💫

; jacoby

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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