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" You should know this is your last day today. If u want you can make a last wish. My highness." the man said that he sneered

"I...I just want to wish that. This life was incomplete and in the future we will live again and that time our love will not be incomplete like this..." As he told that the man sneered again and said.

"don't worry. Your lover is also dieing there too. You and lover will die together." As the man said that he swang his sword and killed him. As the blood splattered on his face.



Time: 7:30am

The alarm rings. A boy got out of his bed and stopped the alarm. And went in the bathroom to fresh up.
After he finished. He got a massage from his friend.

 He got a massage from his friend

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"You dumbass. Don't you remember the day before yesterday. Teacher told that today we have to be in the University until 8:00.!!! Cuz we have some works." Jimin texted.

"oh. Shit. It's 7:42. I haven't got ready. Jimin I am going to get ready now I will be late."

Jungkook keeps his phone down on the table and get's ready and leaves from there hurriedly taking his bag. After mins Jungkook came to the University.

"there. There." Jimin said looking at Jungkook.

"I...I am here." Jungkook said breathing heavily.

"come let's go inside. The teacher will kill us today." Jimin says and grabs Jungkook's wrist and goes towards the class.

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