Ch. 1

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Harry your gonna be late for your first day hon" my mum yelled from downstairs, I checked myself in the mirror one more time before smiling and petting my cat Dusty for good luck and running down the stairs. I grabbed my container of treat samples I made and gave my mum a kiss on the cheek telling her and her new husband bye before leaving.

Once I got to the small bakery I walked in and smiled at the little old woman setting some fresh baked breads on the stands to cool, "hi darling, I'm sorry but we're not open yet" she said with a soft smile, "oh I know, erm I'm Harry Styles? I talked to Mary, she told me to come in today for an interview about a position in the bakery?" I said sounding nervous and unsure. "I'm Mary.. I'm sorry lad I didn't realize how young you were" she said, "I'm 16" I said with a dimpled nervous smile hoping my age wasn't gonna be a problem; most places won't hire teenagers under the age of 17. "I know my age might be somewhat of an issue but I'm a great baker, and I'm stronger than I look, and I have permission from my mum to work odd hours if needed" I said, she didn't say anything just nodded and looked around sighing, "well.. it is summer.. we tend to get very busy; how are you at multi-tasking?" She asked, I smiled and sighed in relief, "great! Give me a task and I'll have it done while I finish another task as well" I said smiling, "can you do manual math?" She asked, "we're a bit old fashioned with our registers" she said pointing to an older register like the one in SpongeBob Squarepants; I nodded, "yes ma'am" I said, "good, now what've you got there?" She asked pointing to my container, "oh! Um these are for you, I brought you a little sample platter of what I can bake" I said handing her the sweets, I watched as her mouth watered when she opened the fresh container and smiled, "oh wow these smell amazing" she said trying a cookie and closing her eyes in content, "grab a apron, we open in 20 minutes" she said happily, "right away ma'am" I said smiling and grabbed an apron, once we were open 2 other ladies came in a little younger than Barbra but older than myself. "Hi cutie, can we help you?" One of them asked, "um hi, I'm Harry; I'm new here" I said with a cheeky smile and waved, "well aren't you a cute young thing" one of the girls smiled pinching my cheeks, "we'll be sure to get a lot of young birds in now" the older one said laughing setting up the register while the other girl a little closer to my age was setting up the tables and chairs; "can I help you?" I asked, "yes please" she said smiling. Once we had everything set up Barbra went to open the doors and a few people came in; she was right during the summer time we were busy. We sold ice coffees, hot coffees, teas, breads, and sweets. I was cleaning the counter when something or rather someone caught my attention; the silverware they were mindlessly spinning on the table caught a glare from whatever little sunlight we had that day and was blinding me, I looked over and seen a boy about my age, maybe a year or 2 older sitting there mindlessly twirling a spoon on the counter reading a book. I grabbed a menu and walked over to his table smiling, "hello, my names Harry, have you had a chance to look at our menu?" I asked, "um no.. I actually come here all the time I already know the menu" he said smiling, "oh, okay well what can I get for you?" I asked smiling, I don't know why I was acting so nervous I've been taking orders and ringing up customers all day but they didn't have pretty feathery brown hair that softly touched their perfectly tan skin which complimented their gorgeous sapphire blue eyes. "Hello, earth to curly.. you alright lad?" the boy asked laughing, "huh? Oh yeah! Sorry.. um what can I get you?" I asked, "Yorkshire tea cream no sugar, and a slice of chocolate cake" he said smiling staring into my soul with those beautiful blue eyes, "do you want me to write that down for you?" He laughed, "um Yorkshire tea! Right!" I nodded and wrote it down and looked behind me to see one slice of cake left; "I'll be right out with your tea and cake" I said smiling but then turned back around forgetting the other most important question, "um sorry would that be for here or to go?" I asked, since we did offer inside dining; "to go please" he said I nodded and went around the counter to put his money in the register and grab the cake putting it in a container and then in a bag and making a cup of tea pouring the milk and taking it to the table where he was, "there you go" I said smiling, setting his order on the table in front of him; "thank you" he said softly. "Harry hon, take your break please" Mary said smiling, I nodded and took off the apron and clocked out for my break and went outside sighing. Pulling out my phone to see texts from my mum asking me how my first day is going and if I'm having fun. I smiled and texted her back that I was having loads of fun and the ladies I worked with were all very nice. "Hey curly" the boy from earlier said, "oh hi, was there something wrong with your sweet or tea?" I asked nervously, "no the sweet smells delicious, and the tea is great! I know Barbra didn't make it" he said laughing, "erm no I did.." I said nervously, "you did? Well great work, it tastes fantablouis!" He said, "fantablouis?" I asked, "mhm, its a word I invented, its like fantastic but with my name in it" he said, "your names Lewis?" I asked, "initially yes, but I don't like the way people sound like snakes saying it so I just go by Louie; spelt the same L-o-u-i-s but pronounced Louie" he said, "well Louis; its nice to meet you" I said, "you too, so are you working here from now on?" He asked, "I hope so, this is only my first day but I hope to be coming back tomorrow" I said, "me too" he said smirking, "see ya around Curly" he said smiling and walking away. Damn.. that ass..

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