Chapter (17)

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*Damien's P.O.V*

Roughly eight hours now and Alec, Simon and Nat's mother had fallen asleep an hour ago. I was tapping my foot away nervously, when a doctor in the green surgical outfit came out. He saw me and rushed over. I stood up faster than the flash on steroids.

"How is he? What's happening?" I asked

The doctor sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, we cleared the bullet shards out of his system. The bullet went into his lower gut. A piece of the after shot pierced his lung while the bullet cut his small intestine open. He lost a lot of blood and oxygen to his body and head. I'm afraid he may be in a coma right now. We managed to stitch up the lung puncture and the small intestine and disinfect the bite marks, but worse case senerio... He may never wake up," the doctor said.

My heart stopped right there. Might never wake up? No. Oh god! He can't die here! No! W-we were supposed to be lovers til the end! Fucking Jasik! I'm gonna murder him!

"C-can we see him?" I asked, my voice shakier than ice itself.

"When visiting hours start, you may visit him. Only one at a time though," he told me before squeezing my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He said before exiting back into the hospital.

I was frozen. Nat is in a coma and might never wake up. Why does this happen? We didn't do anything to deserve this and now Nat is dying in a hospital room because of fate. I couldn't do anything to help him! I just sat there and watched him get raped and practically murdered by Jasik. This is all my fault! I should never have let Nat leave my room! I should've grabbed Nat's hand and ran away as fast as I could. Then he wouldnt be in a coma dying.

"Damien, you okay?" Alec asked. I looked back at him, just noticing the tears streaming down my eyes.

I looked at him for a second, then shook my head no. "H-hes in a coma, Alec! I couldn't do anything about it! He's in a fucking coma because I was to stupid to fucking move!" I shouted into his shoulder, letting my tears take hold.

"H-hes in a coma?" Alec asked, his voice cracking. I managed a nod and heard Alec start to cry more as well.

Nat. Why is it him? Why couldn't it have been me? Lord why is Nat the one in there?

**4 hours later**

I walked down the long hallway with the millions of doors but my mind was blank. I got to the door and stopped at it. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at the closed door. Did I want to know what was behind this door? Did I want to know how he looked like?

"You can have as long as you want," the doctor said, patting my shoulder before turning to walk down the hall. I gulped and shakily grabbed the door handle and opened it slowly.

What I saw only made my heart shrink in on itself. Nat has a tube in his mouth and his skin was as pale as snow. The only color was the bruise on his cheek. I felt the lump in my throat grow painful as the door closed behind me. I walked in and slowly took the seat next to the bed and grabbed his cold, pale hand into mine. I looked at his face to see the motionless expression. My heart hurt just staring at him. Just hours ago he was laughing at me for tickling him. He was smiling and kissing me, and now he is lying in a hospital bed with a gun shot on his side. No more shy smiles and awkward answers. No more teasing and laughs from him. All there is is silence. That's the thing that broke my heart the most. His silent, unmoving figure. The fact that I won't see his eyes anymore nor his smiles. Everything was gone in just a blink of an eye.

"Oh Nat... W-why?" I asked, kissing his still hand. "Wake up... Please." I begged.


Tears started pouring harder. "Please Nat... I... I love you! J.... Just wake up! Dont make me feel this way. We're supposed to have a future together. You can't die on me... Please, break this silence..." I sobbed uncontrollably, placing my forehead on the edge of his bed. This thing that I'm feeling right now... I just wish I couldnt feel anything. Not a damn fucking thing. It hurts so fucking much to breathe right now. It hurts to just live without Nat right now. I need him and knowing he may never wake up again, kills my heart.

"Come on Nat... Please.... I want to hear just one thing from you... I just want to hear those three words again.." I begged.

I... Love you too.

Those words echoed in my mind. It was the only thing I craved to hear from him again. Just those beautiful words. But I have to face reality. I may never get to hear those words ever again.

**A couple days later**

*Alec's P.O.V*

They still haven't caught Jasik. In fact no one has heard from him since that night. The worst night of my entire life. I watched a friend practically get murdered in front of me. Nat... Why did you choose yourself? You were made to suffer twice that night. First, Jasik raped him in front of his friends and then shoots him right when he reunites with his loved one. It was fucking horrid. Nathaniel is an innocent soul and has been through so much in his 18 year old life.

"Hey, Alec.... You okay?" Simon asked.

I turned to him and smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. He blushed and turned away from me. I raised a brow. Did he just blush? That's cute and yet new... Wait... Did I say cute?

"I-im doing good... What did coach say when we didn't show up for the homecoming game and dance?" I asked.

Simon shrugged. "He understood. He got Brayden, Andy and Keldon to cover us. The ones who are usually on the bench." He said.

I nodded. "I know who they are, I just hoped he wasn't mad at us." I said.

He nodded. "No, he isn't mad. He's actually quite worried for Nat as well. I just... I feel bad for Damien. He's only gotten like... 5 hours of sleep in the past 4 days. He also hasn't eaten anything. Like a pudding every two days. He's gonna harm himself if he continues this way. I mean I know he is worried for Nat's life, but he needs to take better care of himself." Simon said. With a sigh.

I looked down the hall to where Nat's room was and sighed. "I know. He blames himself for what happened. I don't blame him... I blame myself for not being able to keep my big fucking mouth shut!" I said.

Simon slaaped me on the cheek, shocking me. "It's no ones fault but the one who put him here!" Simon said, a little hurt mixed into his voice. "If Nat were here, he'd have slapped the shit out of you and Damien for ever thinking that!"

I smiled as I rubbed my cheek. "I-im sorry, Simon. I guess your right."

Simon nodded in triumph. "Damn straight I am!" He said, battled in his head for a moment then shook his head no. "I mean... Damn gay I am!" Simon corrected, and then stormed off into the waiting room.

I watched him go in surprise. Simon just admitted he was gay... In front of me... Like-like it was nothing!

"Hey Alec," I jumped and turned to see Damien. His shirt was still covered in Nat's blood because he hasn't left the hospital since Nat was admitted. I scrunched my nose at his smell and folded my arms.

"Go home and wash up, you smell like the sewer." I demanded. Damien looked down and shook his head.

"W-what if Nat wakes up?" He asked.

I shrugged. "What if?" I looked him up and down and sighed. "If Nat woke up and saw you looking and smelling like that, he would be stressed. Go change and shower. For him." I said.

He sighed and nodded. "I guess your right. I will be back soon. Text me immediately if something changes in him." Damien said, pointing an accusing finer at me.

I nodded. "Don't worry, I will." And with that, Damien wobbled out of the Hospital. I smiled as I watched him leave. God was he deeply in love.

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