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               I sighed as I was laying down on Estelle's couch, watching her get ready for God knows what. "How was the tour?" She teased. I groaned. "North is just..ugh. She barely looks at me when I talk, she interrupts me too, acts like a kid, waves her hands around everywhere..A fucking loser." Estelle laughed and walked over to me, leaning down to face me. "Has it ever occurred to you that you may be the loser?" "Get outta my fucking face." I rolled my eyes and pushed her face away. She just laughed and shrugged, slipping on a shirt.
               "You look like trash, Winter." she started to say as she brushed her hair. "You should really brush your hair or something." I sat up and looked at her. "Thanks for the compliment." I scoffed, getting up. She walked over to me, taking my hand "Look, I would just like it if you took off that hoodie for once. It's dirty, baby." I pulled away and sighed "I'll wash it in my own dorm." Her face just fell. She soon just stopped staring at me and went back to her vanity. I just left.
               I took my hoodie off and was just staring in the mirror. I had a black tank top on which showed all of my scars. Some people say it's badass. I just don't know anymore. My eyes drifted to my dirty blonde hair..then at the white hair dye I impulsively bought for Ace, before he had changed his hair to red.
               Next thing I know, I had gotten out of the shower and dried my hair. I just started staring at it. It was paper white. Then I realized.. My eyes were grey. Or was it silver? Has it always been that color? I jumped at the sudden dryer alarm, remembering my hoodie.  I took a few minutes to just mess with my hair before I put my hoodie on again.
               I heard a knock at my door, and I swung it open. "Hey, Estelle says- woah, that's Badass, Winter!" it was definitely Ace. He reached out to my hair, but I smacked it away. So, he let himself in and plopped himself into my couch. I groaned and shut the door behind him, going to grab a Cigarette. He stared at me as I took a drag, sighing as I did. "What..?" I mumbled. "Personally, I don't smoke the stuff. Gives you weird diseases." Ace laughed and sat up. I leaned against the counter in the kitchen "What do you want?"

               "Well," he started, with his eyes closed like he was some cartoon character giving a speech or something. "Estelle said sorry." He opened his eyes again. "I didn't know she was capable of that." I said in between laughing and taking a drag. "Don't tell her I said that." He nodded and smiled, putting up his hands as if it was a form of assurance. "yeah, yeah. I won't. So why'd you dye your hair?" I only offered a shrug. It was silent for a while before he piped up. Again. "It suits you." "Thanks." that was..weird. I was never really complimented before without someone calling me a slut or a whore.. Weird.
               Ace soon got up and stretched. I just stared at him blankly. He smiled "I'd better go." I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and nodded. But then I grabbed his wrist out of the door. It was evident that I surprised him. "Tell..Tell Estelle I forgive her." His face was red..but he nodded and gave a small smile. "I will." I let go of him and watched the door close as he left. Why'd I do that?

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