You're sick. - Heewon

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"Jungwon! You're doing it wrong! The left foot comes first." The 3rd time, that's the 3rd time my dance teacher has yelled at me and had to stop our practice because I made a mistake.

"I'm sorry." I apologize, shaking my arms and legs to try and wake myself up, mentally scolding myself as I do so. I look up at my other six members in guilt, I'm ruining our practice time because I can't focus and it's all my fault.

I didn't get much sleep last night, I was doing a live for engene's until 3am, and we had to be up by 6am for an early schedule. For those three hours I couldn't sleep, only rolling around in my bed, turning over continuously as if I was lost.

But I am, my head isn't in the right space and regardless of that it's pounding too. Every move I make sense a shockwave of hurt through my scalp and forehead.

But, I'm fine.

Our dance teacher let's out an exasperated sigh, clearly annoyed with me. "Take five." She announces, climbing off of the chair she was standing on.

I shake my head in disappointment with myself as I walk over to the towel and water bottle layed on the floor, picking up the material and dabbing it onto my face, ridding of the sweat drops that lay there.

"Jungwon, are you okay?" I feel a hand lay on my shoulder, turning my head to see jay stood before me, looking at me with his worried eyes and I realise that he isn't sweating nearly as much as I am, in fact none of the members are.

"Completely fine!" I nod, mustering up the best fake and forced smile that I can as I drop my towel to the ground, unscrewing the cap of my water bottle.

"Are you sure? You look a bit pale.." I notice that he trails off, as if he is uncertain of what he is going to say next. "and you've been making alot of mistake today." Oh.

I sigh, so it was noticeable? "Pale?" I ask curiously, it all being an act. Of course I'm pale, I haven't eaten a proper meal in goodness knows how long. "I tried a new conceaer today, so I must not have matched it right." Lie. "And I'm just finding the dance difficult to remember, don't worry!" Another lie.

However he seems to believe them, nodding and letting out a chuckle. "Yeah, that concealer really isn't the right colour for you." He shakes his head and let's his hand drop off of my shoulder again, then running a hand through his hair before he pats my shoulder. "Come on, time to continue dance practice."

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I let out a deep sigh when I enter the dorm. Sunoo and Jake trail behind me, holding the door open for one another. The other members had gone to their dorm, just above ours and I couldn't wait to sink down into my bed; it had been a long day.

"Jungwon, it's your turn to do the dishes." Of fucking course.

My bag drops to the ground, and I turn around to come face to face with our groups sunshine, sunoo. "I'll do it later." I tell him, turning back around and leaving to my room, my bag still discarded all the way back in the space between our living room and kitchen.

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"Something is seriously wrong with him. He's acting different."

"Maybe it's puberty."

"He can't be going through puberty at 20, Jake."

"Hey! I was just thinking of some reasoning."

"It was stupid reasoning!"

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