POV: The best friend is killed....

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"I lied! Ok?! I lied! Everything I ever told you was a lie. You want to know why? I forgave you. The first time you let me down, I forgave you. I thought you would realize what you did. After that, I lost trust. I have always been loyal to you. I never told anyone about your dirty little secrets. I even helped you with this case without asking questions. See where that got me?! I was a happy person before I met you. And now I am depressed, and I have trust issues, anxiety, and whatnot." I screamed at her. I was done with being nice. That was the last straw. 

"But what you didn't know was that I never forgot.  Never. You always treated me like a dumb little bunny. I think- no, I know a part of me always saw this coming. That's another part of me you never got to know or see." I continued, not able to stop ranting. 

" Oh? Then why did you come back to me?" Her smirk while saying this set off all the red lights in my head. 

"Because I cared! That is the problem! I cared too much!! You people called me cold-hearted. That was an act, an act that hardly anyone sees through. It is a defense mechanism I built in myself so I wouldn't get hurt. But you, YOU brought out the worst in me." I laughed at my own words. Tears ran down my cheeks but I couldn't care more. The words were spilling out of me like a waterfall. 

"I ignored everything you did wrong. I was determined to see that at least a part of you was good. I didn't realize I was pushing myself to the limits. My constant thought was, " What if I am not enough?". I would have helped you even if you burnt down my house. But you killed her. Without knowing who she even was!" My throat was strained at the volume I was screaming at, 

"Who she was!?! She was our target. That's what she was" She said this like it amused her to see me worked up by just one death. 

"You really don't know who she was, do you?" Now it was me who looked like a murderer. Probably because I was going to be one soon. 

"I don't care who she was. Her identity doesn't matter. She was our target that is all." She still looked amused but I caught a flicker of fear on her face. Good. She should be scared because I don't think anyone would forgive someone for killing their best friend. Brutally. In front of their eyes. 

"You know I was already on a case before you called me. And surprisingly your sister was the target." I was still reeling due to shock of the death but I was pretty good at hiding my emotions at this point. "And, unlike you, I completed my case exactly on time." Now it was my turn to smirk. The horror on her face was priceless. I was lying, obviously. I wouldn't do that. But she didn't know that. 

"You couldn't have." Was all she could say. 
"Check for yourself." I replied coyly. 

As I saw her frantically calling her sister, I slid a knife off the belt at my waist. I would never kill anyone but desperate times called for desperate measures. 

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