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He tapped his foot, staring at the outlet before him. He clenched the pendant in his hands, occasionally glancing down at it. Citizens of the game, rushing out in a panic. The screen and the lights beside it flashed, warning people not to go in.

The racer shook his head. It was a small price that had to be paid. At first, he thought he would never see his game again. Yet after hiding out in the game for several months, a solution came instantly.

He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on, walking away from the sight. Ladybug and Chat Noir were helping the citizens get out quickly, but not everyone made it out before the flashing stopped.

The racer walked into a darker part of Game Central Station, an empty outlet hardly ever used. Well, hardly is a word the characters wished would be used. The outlet was considered to be cursed, no game plugged in ever stayed in that outlet stayed long, so eventually, Litwak stopped using it.

The racer looked up at the empty screen. This is where TurboTime used to be. He stepped into its shadows, a small smirk forming on his face. "Soon. . . " He muttered.

He placed the pendant on the collar of his racing suit. There was a purple flash of light, and a small, purple, butterfly creature appeared. The racer gasped.

It rubbed it's head. "Agh. . . Master, what happened?"

The racer raised a curious eyebrow and slowly moved closer, coming into the line of sight at the small creature. "Master?"

It gasped. "You're not my master!"

He chuckled and crossed his arms. "No. I'm not. Not Gabriel, anyway." He uncrossed his arms. "I'm someone else entirely."

The creature shook in fear. "Wh-what!?"

"So," the racer began, circling around it. "What are you?"

"I- I'm a k-kw-kwami. . . " It gulped. "H- How did you get your hands on the miraculous!?"

He chuckled as he tapped the pendant, which was now perfectly blended in with his collar. "Oh, I have my ways."

The kwami began to fly around in a panic. "Oh! This is bad! I can't believe it! My worst fear came true!"

"What are you talking about?" He interrupted with a smirk. "I thought you were used to being used like this."

"In programmed to!" It protested. "But we weren't actually evil! We just-"

"Good, then you'll have no problem obeying me now, will you?"

"Sir, you don't understand!" It flew up to his face. "You don't come from the game the miraculous comes from! Who knows what the consequences could be!?!"

The racer rolled his eyes. "Does it look like I care?" The creature shook its head as the racer turned around. He scowled. "For years, I thought it was hopeless. My brother, my game. Gone for good!"

The kwami blinked as he smirked and continued. "Till a new little addition comes along, and provides me a solution in the form of two simple little jewels."

It shook its head. "You put our game out of order!"

"A small price to pay," The racer growled, removing the pendant and clutching it in his hand.

The kwami panicked. "But there will be an even bigger price to pay if you make that wish! That's how it's programmed! And besides!" It flew into the racer's face. "What you want has to be done by an outside force! The wish can't help that-"

"Silence, pest!" He spat. "I will find a way around that. Now, I need to find Ladybug and Chat Noir." He leaned out of the shadows slightly, watching the characters try to figure something out now that their game is gone. Ladybug detransformed and handed her kwami a cookie, a somber look on her face.

Chat walked up to her, detransforming as well and he hugged her. Their kwamis hugged each other sadly, then looked at their owners.

The racer hid again, placing the pendant back. "Seems simple enough."

"Sir, if you just wanted their miraculi, why take the butterfly?" The kwami asked.

He chuckled. "You think if I just walk up there, they'll hand it over? No. Besides, I have to be prepared in case they decide to get rid of their miraculous all together." Then he tapped the pendant. "Now, what did he say it was?"

The butterfly kwami gulped.

"Oh, yeah. Nooroo! Dark Wings, Rise!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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Miraculous Red Rapide / A Wreck it Ralph and Miraculous Ladybug Crossover FanficWhere stories live. Discover now