Chapter 1

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I've never been to America before, never been out of England before now actually. My mum and dad split up a when I was fourteen. My dad was away all the time for work so it was just me and my mum most of the time, she must of been lonely because that lead to her cheating on him with a younger man. My dad found out a few months later when he returned home early on leave, he found them in bed together wile I was at school. They divorced soon after and my dad moved to America when he was assigned to a new military base over there.

Anyway now she's finally had enough of me too, it's like she just stopped caring said she couldn't cope anymore with all the shit I was causing her. Well maybe I am partly to blame, but what does she expect I'm a 17 year old teenager. Getting into some trouble is what we do right?
Alright maybe I got into a lot more trouble than I let on with the people I was hanging around with, but I'm not going to go into detail with all that. Seriously what parent just gives up on there kid and ships them off to the other side of the world.

Now im here in my dad's massive house in a small American town in Virgina. It's a nice place don't get me wrong it's just not home and  I don't know anyone, Im having to start all over again. I miss Kadie the most, she's been my best friend since we were two years old. We've text everyday since I got her, she's the only friend that's stuck by my side through thick and thin and I love her for that.
I've been here a few weeks now. After finally sorting through all of my things and buying mostly all new because I couldn't bring everything with me on the plane I'm feeling more settled and ready to start a new life.

Im woken up by my alarm blaring out, I groan and repeatedly tap on my phone screen without looking to turn it off. When I finally crawl up and out of bed I go straight to the bathroom and jump in the shower. After I'm done i wrap myself in a warm fluffy towel and head back into my room to dry my hair and get dressed all in record time, 45 minutes to be exact personal best if i must say so myself. after I walk out of my bedroom and run down stairs to the smell of bacon.

"Your mum just rang, she said you're not answering your phone." Dad says in his stern kinda way, as I walk in to the kitchen for breakfast. "Yeah I know, I don't want to talk to her." Why would I when she could just get rid of me so easily.
" Baby you have to talk to her at some point, it's been 2 weeks, just at least tell her you're ok so I don't have to please."
As I sit down at the kitchen table I sigh, maybe I should try talking to her, she's been going through a lot lately and I've been a tad harsh to her. "Alright I'll call her after school dad."
He smiled and nods at me, just as Im about to eat my bacon and eggs my stepbrother storms in grabbing some bacon off of my plate and shoving it into his mouth. "If you want a ride to school hurry up, I'm leaving in 2 minutes." Oh yeah did I forget to mention I have a step brother that's the same age as me. My dad remarried last year to an amazing woman called Anna, she owns her own beauty salon down town which make me lover her even more. And she's a lot more genuine and nicer than her moody asshole son. I scoff a few mouthfuls of my food and kiss my dad on the cheek and make my way out to Maddox's car.

We drive in silence until we finally get to the school car park.
"Hey you know where to go right." He asks as he gets out of the car.
"Ermm ye, main office right?" He nods as he walks off toward his friends.
I walk slowly to the main entrance as Im replying to a text from Kadie all of a sudden i walk straight into a wall of hard muscle. "Hey watch... oh shit hey sorry wasn't watching where I was walking." The tall boy said smiling down at me. He was hot... dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, did I mention hot? Oh and a killer smile. Talk about tall dark and handsome.
" No, my bad I was on my phone and not looking where I was going." I look up at him as he just stares at me.
" I haven't seen you before, you must be new right?"
I smile like an idiot up at him, finally shaking my self out of the daze I reply " yep."
As Im about to say something else Maddox comes strolling over.
" thought you was going to the office to sign in and get your schedule?" Maddox says in an agitated voice. "I was until I bumped into him." I grinned pointing at the boy.
"Eli, I see you've met my step sister Beth..." Maddox bro hugs Eli as he introduces me to him. "Hey, I should go..." I say as Im about to walk away, but Eli stops me. " Hey, why don't I show you where the main office is, I'm heading that way anyway." Looking down at me he raises his eyebrow in question. "Yeah sure." As we are about to start walking Maddox storms off ahead of us shaking his head in his usual moody way after saying he'd catch Eli later. I shout after him in a teasing way "bye Maddox." He looks back and gives me the middle finger. "Is he always like this in the mornings?." I ask as we carry on walking. "Yeah pretty much." Eli gives a sympathetic smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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