chapter 8

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(that's the house btw)

Tiffanys P.O.V

"hey"blade said rapping me in a hug which hurt with all my fresh cuts

"hey"i whispered back trying to make the hug as quick as possible he just gave me a confused look and I gave him a fake smile

"hey bro"harley said once he finally got back from parking the motor cycle

"hey"blade said giving Harley a quick bro hug and sitting back down

"have you ordered"harley asked me breaking the silence that stretched between all 3 of us

"no I don't have money"i said pulling my sleeves past my hands

"I'll pay for you"he said kissing my cheek trying to reassure me

"what about you"he said shooting blade a nod

"yeah about 2 minutes ago"he said with a small smile he wasn't himself

"Blake"said the coffee dude blade walked up there and grabbed his coffee but not without saying

"it's blade not Blake"blade said flashing the dude a smile and sitting back down

"so how are you doing"i asked blade trying to break the silence

"I can tell something's up"he said sipping at his vanilla bean frappacino

"what do you mean"i asked looking down and blushing

"this"he said grabbing my sleeve and rolling it up

"omg"i said ripping my sleeve from his hand and pulling it back down

"I told you I'm not stupid"he said moving his hand back into his lap

"whatever I don't wanna talk about it"i said before Harley appeared at the table handing me my caramel frappacino and he drank his double chocolaty chip frappacino

"talk about what"he said sitting next to me and putting his free arm around me on the booth

"nothing"i said sipping at my drink I really missed this

"are you sure"he asked me and I just nodded my head

"why aren't yall dating"blade asked making my head shoot up and Harley give him eyes like he's crazy

"what"i asked surprised by the sudden question

"why aren't yall-"

"I got that but why would we be dating"i said raising one of my eyebrows at him

"he likes-"was all he got to before Harley grabbed his straw and chucked it at him "dude"blade screamed rubbing the frappacino off his face

"shut up you asshole"he said before relaxing back against the booth

"what's happening"i asked why are boys so confusing

"nothing never mind he's a retard" Harley said smiling but his was fake but blades was definitely real

"no I'm not a retard is a delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment"he said before giving us a smile

"why do you know this"i asked blade confused by his sudden knowledge

"I study the disability of learning for children and adults so it's more like a hobby then random knowledge"he said flashing me a very happy smile

"your a strange kid"harley said pointing his Starbucks at him

"thank you I try"blade said giggling making us all giggle


"it's time for school"christina said entering my room and shaking me a little

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