Please read this.

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I've decided to be done being angry.

I will make one thing clear: Me and Kat are not friends of any sort.

However, I have made the decision to help guide her to be a better person.

We've made some agreements. In order for me to work with her, she had to promise me these:

-That she won't give up if things get hard.

-That she won't start any more drama.

-That she'll delete the book about Eowyn.

-That she'll move on from this drama.

-That she'll unblock everyone that supported Eowyn in this.

-And that she'll listen to all of our advice and take it to heart when we're trying to help her.

I made it clear that if she breaks any of these, that I won't help her anymore.

If she breaks any of these, I have plenty of screenshots.

I'm not on her side in this drama whatsoever, and I'm still pissed about what went down. BUT, I'm willing to move on. I believe everyone has good in them. It might take a while to find it.

I want to guide Kat to be a better person and to heal.

I told her that we've all tried to help her, and it was her pushing us away that made us stop. She can't push us away anymore.

All of the advice you've given her will hopefully come in handy. It won't go in one ear and out the other anymore. And if it does, then I'm done helping.

Again, I'm not getting cozy with Kat. I'm not on her side. Me helping her heal is not a part of the drama, it is a result of it.

Please don't be mad about this. I've made the rules of this agreement clear.

This isn't just for Kat. This is for all of us. For everyone who hates drama, for everyone who gets stressed from it. For everyone who is sick of Wattpad being toxic.

This is for Eowyn, who's been trying to make us all chill out for a while now.

This is for Crys, who's considered leaving it all behind because of this drama.

This is for Moon and Ashton, who lost all they built because of the chaos.

Sure, this is for Kat, for her to be a better person.

But this is for all of you, too. This is to benefit all of us.

If you want to help me and Kat on this journey, if you want to help her heal, please give your advice in the comments.

As I said, if any of the agreements are broken, I'm calling this entire thing off.

But for now, let's all just simply move on from the drama.

This is me giving Kat a second chance, because I know what it's like to make mistakes, and I know what it's like to not be given a second chance. And, I know what it's like to be given one and to make things right.

Again, this isn't me taking sides in the drama. This is a result of the drama. This is (hopefully) the end of the drama.

Thank you all for reading, and I wish you all the best.

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