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The first mission to the moon in 39 years. A 3-engined rocket called Nebula, 600,000 gallons of fuel, 450,000 gallons of liquid oxygen, 980,000 gallons of propellant, and a 6-person crew. All of which survived the journey and brought back samples from the moon's surface. However, the most interesting sample was the lunar dust collected on the mission, but for a reason which nobody had believed for just over 6 months, until testing proved it to be true.

Scientists had discovered a special molecular structure in the dust, which they theorized could be used to increase human lifespan, alter appearances, make positive changes to health, and increase intelligence. They had found what they believed to be the most important thing in human history since the discovery and harnessing of fire, because they knew this structure in the dust could be used to help so many. But with all good things, come those determined to exploit, to create, and destroy.

The scientists who discovered this published their findings in a book called Stardust Revolution" in the hopes that organizations would help to fund further research and development into the structure, but these hopes were far from reality, many believed it to be science fiction, a hoax made up to steal people's money. Though there were some, a generous few, who believed in the scientists' words, and shared their disappointment that the world was in nonacceptance of their findings and too wanted to show the world the truth. The real capabilities and secrets that the lunar dust held.

Research was conducted and testing soon began as scientists found a way to extract the structure and implement it into simple injections, with the hopes it would affect some part of a person. For many months, the results of these tests were put out and denied by the public, who still firmly held onto the idea of this dust, this miracle-worker, being mere science fiction, despite the results of the many tests.

Though it did not take much longer before heads were turned and curiosities were piqued when the scientists conducting the research published the results of a test in which a 96-year-old woman was given an injection, which had been infused with the structure from the dust. The results were extraordinary, with the woman now being able to lift 350 kilograms of weight, whereas before the injection she was barely able to lift 5, let alone 350 kilograms.

This is what made heads turn.

This is what made humanity believe that this dust could work miracles on people, and finally, full interest was given, with many existing organizations attempting to perfect travel to the moon, to mine for this dust and create a monopoly out of it. This gave way to a race between many to establish mines, gather as much of the dust as possible, and sell it.

The Moon Rush. 


By 2010 the lunar dust had become so valuable that mere grams of it were selling for millions. Research continued, and the biggest breakthrough yet, had been discovered. The cure for cancer. The disease which had killed so many, had been cured with space dust. A mere year ago no one would have thought that the lunar dust the Nebula crew had brought back would cure a thing such as cancer.

Experiments had also begun to be conducted by a few other research labs, most notably NASA and SpaceX. An entirely new company, W.A.R.P., was founded amid The Moon Rush. This company was entirely centered around lunar dust. It was founded by 17-year-old Nyx Fuentes, who believed that lunar dust had more capabilities than just increasing lifespan, intelligence, and other generic human aspects, as she put it.

She had an ideology to use the lunar dust to make something better. She believed that the dust hid further secrets that other scientists hadn't been able to identify, because they were too focused on what they'd already found. So, after founding her company she got financial backing from business partners, whom she'd to, telling them she only wanted to make the lunar dust treatment cheaper and more accessible to the world.

She had secured over $18 billion in funding through her false promises. With this money, she built a state-of-the-art facility that appeared from the outside like a small factory. Inside, however, there was only a small reception area and an elevator that descended 300 feet underground. This elevator opened into a vast complex featuring research labs, incubation chambers with water tanks and monitoring stations, assessment areas, containment cells, and living quarters for all staff members. The facility also housed offices for Nyx and the three department heads. Additionally, it was equipped with amenities to meet basic needs, including a canteen, showers, exercise areas, and more. An underground farm was created too, in case long-term stays were needed.

Nyx kept this under heavy cover, not wanting any info of what she was doing to get out to the public. This is because her plan was to find a way to use the lunar dust to create "Superhumans", though she knew she wouldn't be able to give people the abilities to fly and such, but she had hope she give lesser abilities to people. It was kept under such tight wraps that all members of staff were kept within the facility, under the fear that they would spread info about what Nyx was doing, to the world, even the construction team were kept onsite during construction of the facility and were then hired as security after construction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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