You're Always There (TFP BumblebeexArcee)

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Now time for some BeeCee yall!

This was requested by: UrNameHere001

Autobot Base: No P.O.V

Night struck fast, and a canopy of stars lay overhead the Autobot base in Jasper, Nevada. The humans were all at home, and the Autobots, well they were awake. And quite busy, due to the increase in Decepticon activity.

"Optimus, there's another energon mine, and this one seems to have multiple Decepticons." Ratchet says.

"Thank you old friend. While Bulkhead, and Wheeljack are investigating another signal, -" Optimus was cut off by engines revving into the base.

A yellow and black Urbana 500 drove in, with a blue and pink motorcycle at the side, until they transformed, revealing a small blue and pink femme with a taller yellow and black mech.

"Optimus, patrol was clean. No signs of the 'Cons." Arcee said looking up at the Prime.

"Well good, because there's a lot at this energon mine." Ratchet sighs.

"Continuing what Ratchet said, Arcee, Bumblebee. The two of you will investigate this signal. Maintain stealth, we cannot risk having any one of us harmed  in any way." Optimus says.

"Got it Prime." Arcee replies.

Ratchet entered the coordinates, and pulled the lever, and then a swirling portal of green, and blue appeared.

Then the mech, and femme transformed into their vehicle modes, and drove into the bridge.


We drove in and then the bridge closed behind us, and me and Bumblebee transformed back into our bot-modes, and had our blasters out.

We heard drilling near by, and Bee opted to go first, and scout the area out. I nodded, but was a little hesitant to see him go on ahead.

I always liked Bumblebee, just never told him, but I have a feeling that he liked me too. I knew he would be a kind and caring mech since the day we met. That day, I was 4 human years old, and Bee was 8, after that. We were inseparable. Which is why every time Optimus told either me or Bee to go on a solo mission, we always asked for each other.

He was there for me, when my partners died. He was always there, even though he had faced so much loss, he still had hope.

.:Arcee, bunch of vehicons are mining energon, and unearthing a relic of some sort:. Bumblebee says through our private com-link.

.:Got it Bee, I'm headed your way:. I comm back. 

I slowly walked to Bumblebee's location, blasters ready. When I saw him facing vehicons, and an Insecticon, while Knockout was watching, clearly amused. That glitch, I start shooting at him, and he took out his saw, and tried to attack, but I dodged with ease. Then I unsheathed one of my arm blades, and slash at him. Scratching his paint,

"MY FINISH!" He whines, then looks at me with anger, "do you know how long it takes just to maintain this paint job!" 

"No, I don't, which is why I don't really care about my paint." I reply amused.

Soon an Insecticon screech was heard, but it was cut short. I turned to see why, and I smiled. Bumblebee had defeated the Insecticon. And walked up to me, blasters ready at Knockout.

<Alright Knockout, you wanna fight and risk that finish of yours? Or just go back to Megatron?> Bumblebee smirks.

"Well, I choose this." Knockout says, I was confused until he activated his energon harvester, and aimed it right at me.

Before the burst reached me, I closed my optics, and waited. It was probably the end,

but it never came.

When I opened my optics, the harvester was destroyed, and Knockout was fighting Bumblebee, trying to get him away from the relic.

Using this as an advantage, I ran to the container, and found 'The Time Blaster' it could send a bot back to the place they were at the beginning of the day. I aim at Knockout, and blast.

He completely disappeared, and was probably at the Nemesis. I walk over to Bumblebee, and have a little chat.

"Hey, Bee thanks for having my back." I say.

<No problem Arcee. It's the least I could do.> He replies.

<And, one more thing I've been meaning to tell you. Since the moment we've met, Arcee I-> He pauses for a bit, and I look at him curiously.

<Arcee, I love you. With all my spark, and I would never let anything happen to you.> He finishes.

My spark fluttered with joy,

"Bee, I've always loved you too!" I answer happily

"Thing is Bee, you've always been there for me, we've stuck together through thick and thin. And whenever I'm in trouble, you're always there." I say with joy.

<Same goes for me 'Cee, every time I'm in some sort of difficulty, you're always there to help me out.> He replies.

After hearing this, I didn't care that we were still in an energon mine, and the two of us hugged each other, the light from the energon illuminating us.

Sorry if this was short, I was kinda running out of ideas for this, but I like it.

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