Soaring The Skies, As Long as I'm With You (TFA BumblebeexBlitzwing)

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Alright, now for some TFA yall!

This was requested by: jxpxgxpx


The air was care-free in the room, and everyone was doing their own thing.

I was just playing video games with Sari, and I was beating her just to let you know. Because NO ONE can beat me. Until Bossbot called all of us over about some Decepticon activity.

"Alright, so apparently Blitzwing is on the loose, and we need someone fast enough to catch up to him, and bring him to justice." He says.

"Oh come on! Who would be crazy enough to volunteer for that!" I say.

Then every bot in the room turns to look at me. Scrap, it's always me.

"Why does everyone ALWAYS look at me?!" I whine before transforming and driving as fast as I could out of base.

As I drove, I thought about the job, last time I had a run-in with Blitz here. not gonna lie he was a pretty nice bot, just I don't know. I feel like he's misunderstood, probably because of three different personalities. 

I continued driving, my processor still on Blitzwing. So deep I was in thought I didn't notice him right around the corner, flying loop-de-loops in the air. While I continued driving, he apparently noticed,

"Look at ze little autobot! Do you want some cake? Let's go to the bakery!" He asks with his crazy personality.

"What?" I mumble quite dazed, I transformed, got out my stingers and aimed at him, 

"Those stingers won't save you from, the party!" He cackled.

"Alright Blitzy, time to surrender." I say.

His face changed to his hot-headed personality.

"There's NO FRAGGIN' WAY I'm coming with you!" He roars, the his face changed to his cold personality, "But you need to meet me at the construction site, and come alone." He said. 

"Alright, I guess." I sigh. "When do I need to find you?" I ask.

"At evening, we need to have a chat." He replies before flying off.

Great, what have I gotten myself into now? 


When I drove to the construction site, and transformed back into my small form. I saw the tall mech waiting for me.

"You weren't followed right?" He asks with his ice-cold personality.

"I made sure." I replied slightly confused.

"Good, now I know you're wondering why I asked you here, aren't you?" He asks.

I nod my head, "dang can you read minds or something?" I ask.

"No I can't. You're really brave you know, and kind. I've always admired you on the battlefield." He says.

"Wait WHAT?!" I exclaim, my faceplate turning blue.

"Yes it's true, you're agile, quick, but sometimes impulsive." He adds.

"Aw, Blitzy. I-" While I was talking the Autobots arrived, and brought restraints with them, and they were wrapped them around Blitzwing,

"W-what, I thought you said you weren't followed!" He says in disbelief. 

"Wait, no I wasn't though. Bossbot what are you doing let him go!" I yell trying to free Blitzwing.

"Bumblebee, we'll sort this out later. Right now, you need to get back to base. That's an order!" Optimus grunts.

"Wait, but-" He cut me off again,

"Bumblebee GO, I'm not in the mood for a discussion!" He orders. 

"Alright, fine. But let Blitzwing go!" I growl,

"Prowl, bring Bumblebee back to base." Optimus sighs.

Prowl, grabs my arms, and activates his jetpack and started flying me to base.

"Bumblebee, what were you thinking! Do you even have a processor in that head of yours?" He grumbles.

"Prowl, he wasn't trying to hurt me. I swear, look I want to tell you something, but you HAVE to let me free Blitzy." I begged.

"Alright fine, what is it?" Prowl asks.

"Thing is, I always had a feeling that I liked Blitzwing, and I think he does too!" I exclaim.

"Now, I know you've gone insane." Prowl grumbles.

I sigh, and look at the ground, the rest of the way, will anyone ever understand?

(TIME SKIP) Autobot Base; With Blitzwing/ MIDNIGHT

"Why didn't you tell any of us where you were going! We could've helped!" Optimus says.

"Oh like how well you helped me when you arrived?" I retort.

That's when Ratchet decided to talk

"Look kid, Blitzwing is dangerous, and-" That's when I completely lost it.


With my stingers, I blasted the restraints holding Blitzy, and he flies away, and I drive off as well, turning off my life signal so that can't track me.

As I continued driving, I went to the construction site. Blitzwing was there already, and that's when I decided to have a little chat.

I climb up to the area he was at, and sat down next to him, and luckily his strategic face was on, so the conversation could be more understandable.

"I thought you said you came alone." He mutters quietly.

"Look Blitzy, I'm sorry. I didn't know they were following me." I reply.

"And I think I believe you, back at your base, you freed me. Even when your entire team doubted you." He says with a smile.

"Blitzwing, I have to say this. But ever since we first met, I've admired you on the battlefield, out of the battlefield, and even in general. Because of three different personalities, it means three different perspectives of the world, and problems." I say with happiness.

He looks down at me and smiles, 

"well for you, bravery is key in some situations, when you have to leap before you look. You are entirely that, and you aren't afraid to be yourself. Because of Megatron, I can't get too chaotic. And then Primus knows what's gonna happen. And for you, well what happened at the autobot base can pretty much explain it." He replies.

My faceplate blushed blue, and Blitzwing's did too.

"Er, Blitzy? I'm not trying to ruin our friendship. But I love you, I always did." I say with nervousness in my voice.

Blitzwing looked surprised? No, happy, relieved.

"I've always loved you too, Bumblebee." He replies with tears of happiness,

I suddenly felt my own optics leaking with tears of happiness as well.

Blitzwing brought me into a hug, and I hugged him back. The moon illuminating our forms, and stars twinkled as well. If the Autobots didn't like this, too bad. Cause you can't take happiness away from you.

Our embrace continued, and the cool night mist blew, passing our forms. For once in both of our lives, did we feel like we belong.

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