I know that I've hurt you.

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It was a gray day
And those two were alone
With little besides raindrops

And silence

Perhaps, the time had come
When they'd talk about that day
Or, perhaps, it wasn't the time

Regardless, it would be acknowledged

She told her
"I know that I've hurt you."

The younger girl didn't make eye contact
Instead, she just froze, a pause in her actions
Perhaps, her sister just thinking aloud

(something she'd try to convince herself of)

She continued,
"I know that I've hurt you and I am sorry."

Memories of that day haunted them like ghosts

Gray became splashed with
A river of red

And the silence was replaced with white noise
Staticky white noise, with the faint whispers of screams

"It's alright if you don't forgive me....."

She was shaking

"....I don't forgive myself either. Not for that, no."

A pause
The world stood still
Ebbing, in loud silence

Aside from the rain falling
"I won't ask forgiveness but I do want you to know....."

Time started up again

"....that I am sorry."

Time seemed to be going faster now
As the younger girl contemplated what to say
She was trying to stifle her sobs

Her wails
Just like that day
She was trying not to break down


The older girl wasn't asking for forgiveness
No, she was just thinking aloud

The day was gray
Gray and quiet, aside from the sound of raindrops
And these two were alone

Silence came again
Another pause, time slowing
Before resuming

"I love you."

"I know that I've hurt you."Where stories live. Discover now