Chapter 3 - Run Ever Run Run Run

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○○Chapter 3 - Run Ever Run Run Run○○

Ever and Sora left on their boat to the island the next afternoon to finish getting ready for the trip. The raft is almost ready and will soon be setting sail before we know it.

“How about Highwind? What would you call it?” Riku asked Sora as they discussed raft names.

“Hmm... Excalibur!” Sora said.

The two bickered about it.

“I'm thinking Odyssey.”  Ever suggested.

They ignored her and continued bickering with one another.

Well fine then be that way.

“Hey, how 'bout…” A light bulb went off in Rikus' head.

Sora knew what he was getting at. “The usual?” 

“Let's do it!”

Kairi appeared next to Ever.  “Don’t tell the guys at it again?”

“Yep!” she replied, popping the  ‘P’. “And I believe they're going to do that race thing again.”

“I will be the judge of that,” Kairi said then stepped in. “Alright, boys. The usual rules apply. Take any route you want... First one to tag the star on that tree and make it back here wins.”

“If I win,” Sora exclaimed, “I'm captain! And if you win…”

“And if I win…” Riku looked between me and Kairi with a mischievous grin. “I get to share the paopu with either Kairi or Ever.”

Ever's jaw dropped. She glanced at KairI and her expression mirrored each other's.

Oh no he didn't!

“Huh?” Sora was speechless.

“Deal?” Riku said, clearly enjoying it, “The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi or Ever!”

“Wha... Wait a minute…” Sora stammered, “Why Everly?”


“She's my sister!”

“Ok, that is an exception for you,” Riku said.

Ever rolled her eyes and cleared her throat getting both their attention. “Excuse me boys but I am not a prize to be won.” She turned and walked away.


Riku won the race of course which Ever knew he would since he was one of the fastest runners on the island with Sora being second.

“Hey Ever,” Kairi said as she stood by the raft after she came back from collecting some mushrooms. “What's up?” Ever approached her.

“This is for you,” She held up five Thalassa shell pink at the top with the bottom a light yellow tied together where it is in the shape of a star hanging off of a chain.

Ever remembers being taught  in school that in the old days Sailors always wore one to ensure safe voyage. “What is it girlie?” she asked as Kairi placed it in the palm of her hand. “It's a charm necklace to help us not forget each other if we ever get separated. The four of us will always be together no matter what.”

Ever smiled and gave her a hug. “I love it, thank you, Kairi and Sora and Riku are going to love it too.”

She smiled; her face turning a shade of pink at the mention of her friends brother.

It was quite obvious Kairi liked him and knew Sora liked her back but won't admit it. When it comes to love and all that mushy stuff he's not really good at it and doesn't know how to put them in words. Maybe one day down the road things will change.

But there's one slight problem. Sora isn't the only one that liked Kairi.

Riku does too.


Riku and Sora managed to take care of everything else meaning...trip time! Ever couldn't wait! The date was set for tomorrow and also with the paopu thing; Riku just did that to mess with Sora.

Right now she is in the middle of playing my violin; clearing her head before dinner starts. Her fingers danced across the strings as she played.

Ever stopped mid song at the sound of thunder coming from outside.


She went over and looked out the window to see a swirling dark, gray storm cloud with lightning flashing near the…

“Oh no the raft!” Putting her instrument away she dashed to Sora’s room and saw he was just as panicked as she was. “We need to go check on the raft now!”

Writing a quick note for mom and dad, Ever scrambled back to my room and slipped on her royal blue leather jacket and hood scarf to cover her head in case it rains then met back up with Sora.


“Sora! Everly! Dinner ready!” The twins' mother called for them.  “Come on down! Guys?” She didn't know that the kids weren't there. The window was wide open.

On Sora's desk lies a note reading,

Mom and Dad,

We went to check on the raft. Sorry if we are late for dinner.

Love you,

Everly and Sora


Upon reaching the island, the two saw this strange glowing ball in the sky. “What is that thing?” Ever questioned climbing onto the dock.

“I don't know.” Sora said, “Riku and Kairi’s boats are here.”

“They must have come to check on the raft too.” Ever said. “Let's go.” 

Out of the blue, a funky looking shadow creature with big glowing yellow eyes and antennas appeared that I had never seen before in my life. “Sora look!” she pointed.

Sora looked and jumped and took out his wooden sword. “Ever, I'll hold them off and you go find our friends.” “What about you?” “I’ll be fine, go!”

Doing as told, Ever took off running as fast as she could, more funky shadows popping up everywhere. Where are they coming from? Is it the mysterious storm doings?

She stopped running when she made an outline of something or someone in the jungle. It wasn't tall nor was it short and had spiky hair pointing in directions similar to Sora's, that tells her it is a person.

Ever blinked for a split second and just like that it was gone. A gasp left her when she felt a sharp pain in her chest right where her heart is located. Like someone poked her with a dagger. It was the shadow things. They were all swarming her.

Her body began to feel weak as they began sucking the energy out of her. Her feelings were going all over the place. She used all her strength to keep running.

As she was about to reach the hut by the rushing waterfall, Ever felt something wrap around her ankle. She looked down to see a thorny vine, trickles of blood ran down her ankle, before she could even respond, the vine forced her off balance with more shadows attacking her.

All the girl can remember is the vine dragged her across the ground and screaming as she went into a dark hole.

Everything went dark after that.

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