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"So, Heather. Truth or dare." LeShawna smirked. Heather's eyes widen a bit and decided to stick on the safe side.

"Ugh, truth."

"Is it true that your only mean to other people just because of your family and what happened, or are you just mean for the sake of it." She folds her arms and raises an eyebrow.

Heather scoffed. "I had a perfect childhood, and I'm not that mean, it was just stragity. I needed it to get far in the game. Duh."

"Mhm. Sure." Gwen said.

"Shut it, weird goth girl."


Aye, a bit of news, I'm gonna take a break on The Life of Courtney Barlow so I can catch up on my stiries, once I do, I will continue! PreppySisters

Goodnight, its 2 am rn haha

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