CHAPTER 1: Kiera

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Love, hate, devotion, jealousy, envy, greed, lust and betrayal were all words that I knew very well as they constantly appeared in my life in many different ways. I have never been one to please, unlike my peers, brothers or sisters, I always stood in the shadows, avoiding any unnecessary attention, much to my grandfather's dismay for he wished that I would assert myself as a leader not a follower .My parents they say, if my mother was still alive would be at each other's necks about how I should be brought up with my father advising that I be taught to be cultured and mannered with my mother saying I should be raised to be in touch and harmony with nature ,this my father thought was barbaric and savage .This along with "THE INCIDENT", a topic that no matter how much I tried could not get any information from those around me. An empty childhood I lived as for a long time my father could not bear to look at me, except from a distance. People did say I was an exact replica of my mother ,except for my dark red curls plated into a single braid that ran to my feet, that were the same shade as his, a flaming fire like the darkest red rose in the winter's snow,my facial features however were exactly like that of my mother "as I saw her portrait hung high in the great hall ,by all the others of the deceased family or as my family called them those stupid enough to get killed ", back to my facial description, well my eyes were a piercing emerald green , my chin small and delicate , skin a sort of dark caramel mixed with a pinch of vanilla ,a dainty nose that made me look all the more aristocratic the only feature that was like my fathers, a temper unmatched by anyone in the family or should I say my family,I did not belong so I always felt the need to distinguish weather I could accept them as my family or look at them through the eyes of a stranger so far yet within ,like them I longed to be free to run among the trees in my wolf form ,yes wolf form , I am a mix of both ,you would think that would give me an advantage but it seemed,more than once to complicate my life even more, and it was also the main reason there was conflict between both families as each said I took more characteristics from their side ,which I know each wanted me because of political reasons to use me as a weapon against their enemies for I WAS THE ONE THAT NO WEAKNESS ON EITHER SIDE COULD AFFECT, THE TRUE IMMORTAL. Those words "True Immortal" have and still haunt my every move and decision I could not live a carefree life as the others who lived as if they would die tomorrow because I had the thought at the back of my mind that I would not ,so I tried to be as detached as was possible because I knew if I opened my heart to anyone I would get hurt when they died so I made a vow to never truly depend on anyone emotionally and mentally labeled them all as just a pastime, a way to remain attached to the fast changing world nothing else. This was easy that is until my son was born, that was the happiest moment of my life but also the moment which would bring my downfall. Father always said "love nothing and your life will be joyful", but that little blue eyed boy melted all my defenses and brought out the humanity in me that I had for so long had under control, I watched him grow and with each year my heart grew with him he was my love and my world, but on his twentieth birthday he vanished, I thought he was just being adventurous and that he would come back when he was spent.That was not the case however, as his mutilated head was delivered at my doorstep the next day .I was distraught and I could not believe my eyes ,on the box was a note that said that the debt had been paid ,I sought out the murderers and to this day I punish them for taking my treasure away and my heart grew ten times colder that day. I thought I could never love again that was till I met "him".

The first years of my miserable life I spent with my mother's family in the care of my grandfather, who as he had expected of my mother, to be the family protector and leader, but I seemed then to lean to the traits of a follower instead.

Anyway, this is where my story begins nine million, eight hundred and fifteen thousand years ago, at a timewhere time has no effect were magic and science become one. Well here we go, ten years after I was born

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