One hell of a first day.

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People says school is a stepping stone through a good life,to get a good education,to know things and For you to build yourself,have friends and short they're implying that "Education is the key to success" but much to my dismay,School is the top list part of that so called 'education'.
teenage nowadays says 2 things 'bout school. amazing students says school is one hell of a prison and some dumb says its haven,well as for me?I'm not gonna go for haven because school for me is a complete opposite and is nothing but a f*ckn'' hell.

"Uuugrh!" I groan and stomped my foot after realizing that once again,in my stupid upside down life i'm gonna make a step to the place that i really wish never existed.

I brush my hair in front of the mirror,Examining my outfit for once again a first day of school and as a senior student. tattered high-waist pants,black crop top and a pair of black with gold outline sneakers should do,I guess.
I get my car keys,Bag and other valuable things i needed.

Running downstairs, i hurry as i realize that i was gonna be late,I hopped into my vios honda and started driving off.( Photograph by: ed sheeran) is playing softly in my stereo when the speaker turns off saying I had a call from someone. "You better have a good reason as to why you're cutting my favorite song playing right now!" I snap as i answer the phone as to whom the caller is. Duh, I love ed sheeran so don't blame me!!

"Whoa! Good morning to you too,Sweetheart!" She chuckles And i rolled my eyes at her stupidness,Can't she see I'm mad?! Is it a crime if i strangle my best friend?am
I gonna be punished if i physically hurt the one of the stupidest and dumbest person ever existed? Urgh.

"Whatever,What do you want?and why is this number that you're using to call me is Unknown, have you changed your number AGAIN?" I said snobly. Her response is to just say 'yeah' tsk,what a friend. "Okay,So what's up?"

"Well,You know,i'm just here to tell you and to prevent you on being yourself today,As you can see,it's first day of school an-"

"Oh,Is it the first day of hell? Why am i not updated?" I sarcastically replied.

"Can you just hear me out? Okay,Well i call you to say that I'll be here in the front gate to wait for you,you know why"
Of course i know why, silly me."k,be there in a sec."
"Okay,loveyah and drive safe!" She exclaimed happily through the phone.
Without saying any more good bye's i drop the call and concentrate into driving.

After a minutes,i mean 15 minutes i park my car into the parking lot and started walking towards the front gate,i then notice the one of the girls I'm dreading to see for the whole 2months. Dressed with a faded smokey pants and a black tank top,i ready myself for the war of the century.

"Hi!" I smile broadly at her,Pretending to not see her anger.
"Hi?! After making me wait here for a whole 15minutes and you're just gonna say hi? I just gave like a hundred of death glares to all those stupid ignorant morons who keep on whistling every time they pass by me and all you just wanna say is hi?!" She shouts at me.

"Well what?! A 'sec' is so far from the word fifteen minutes sandiara waters!" she exclaimed angrily As she put an emphasis into the word 'sec'

"Fine! Im sorry! You're bugging me and i'm kind of irritated. Whatever, iknow you miss me,so just cut the crap and hug me!" I smile expectantly at her, she sighs and i know i'm saved. and that made her earn a chuckle from me,And she hugged me,not in a smooth way but in a bone crushing hug. Ooops!

I can't really blame her,After we enter the school gates,of course,not skipping the part where I argue with the school guards saying as to why my outfit is always unbearable and rule breaking. I just shrug their comment off and says 'we're friends that's why' and rush far away from the scowling Security Guards,i'm kind of guilty because i think one day,i'm gonna be the reason as to why their ass will gonna be fired by the school administration. Who can blame them? Me and my friends always broke the rules,People get to be Hard headed sometimes y'know.

we walk through the pathway,i'm getting more and more uncomfortable with my outfit. I realized now that i really can't blame angela for being over reacting because whistles of the maniacs are echoing in my ears,Whispers of students is clearly heard.
"oh,Is that sandi and angela?"
"How come she was able to enters the school?"
Her friend i suppose answered her "of course they can! what do you expect?!"
they're talking about the jeans,What can we do? i study in the most prestigious and Religious school in the state so it's expected to be strict and rule sucking.
"Omg! the news! Have you heard of it?" Negativity is all i hear. hys people!go get a life!

someone says hi to us which i think are both freshmans and i smile at them. Of course! I know most of the people here,In a university like this,not everyone knows everyone so i'm kind of glad i belong into the status of 'Class A which means,Famous' after giving a hundred of death glares to those annoying morons,i came to an halt as i realize Angela is nowhere to be seen.

Of course she'll leave me! Of course! What do i expect?!Knowing where she is I hesitantly decided to go to the hall of bitches. A place where students should be studying,a place where it should be peaceful,A place where student should stay when they have free time. But no,It's all the exact opposite,the place is not for some goody-two-shoes innocent student,of course it's for the brats,Where you could find the most judgemental person you could ever meet in your life,where you can find the people that knows more gossips than his/her major lessons,and in that place you can find the most annoying person ever existed in planet.

All 'most's' and add all negative thoughts and that's the stupidhole's personality is. All in all the place is a place for gossiping,judging and non ending bickering of me and that stupidhole. Thinking of him already gives me bad vibes,How much more if i came face to face with that delinquent moron,You're not gonna ask why,Im telling you my friends,you should not ask why.

Going the subject back to my stupid bestgirlfriend

Ofcourse,she's gonna go there,of course she's with our other girlfriends. I know she's gonna go there bcos of the talk we had last night.

Walking backwards i just wish lady luck is on my side today and hoping to not see the stupidhole because he's the one of the many ways on how my day can be ruined. Don't blame me of being mean,you'll understand me. i promise.

Praying hopefully,i bumped into something and i know already who it was by the way his words left his mouth and with that awful tone of his voice " WHAT THE HELL?!" Uh-oh! Right now,I just hate life.

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