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Afternoon. The wedding reception took place in the Great Hall of the Red Keep. Every corner of the hall was crowded with guests and dignitaires, the room occupied hundred people.

On one corner, a huge table had been stacked with gifts of all shapes and size, many gift offered to the groom and bride, surplus foods and wine.

Queen Alicent had sent an order earliest, to the kitchen that the remnants should be sent to the orphanage and small folks, nothing should be wasted, everyone must be fed.

"It is with great pleasure, King Maegor announces to start the wedding celebrations." Ser Harrold began.

"House Lannister, with their lord, Jason Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands and Warden of the West." He declares.

Lead by their liege, Lord Jason Lannister strolled in with his household in their family colors, portraying the distinct traits of his lineage, golden shrouds of locs, a handsome young man in his late thirties, skilled hunter, but emanated with the prideful nature and arrogance, a blueprint of all Lannisters.
His twin Tyland Lannister, followed thus, his nature, cunning and skilled in politics and strategy, yet unmarried like his older twin.

"House Hightower, with their lord, Horbert Hightower, Lord of Old Town, Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel and Voice of Old Town."

Leading the entire household, Horbert and his wife and his son Ormund, walked into the hall with other family members dressed in green and grey.

"House Tully, with their lord, Lord Grover Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramounts of the Trident."

The old man was accompanied by his son's and grandsons, all wearing their house colors of silver, marron and blue, featuring: a silver trout leaping on red chief, over white waves and blue base.

The Greyjoys, the Baratheons, the Starks were all in attendance except the House Velaryon.

"And to our honorables of today... His Grace, King Maegor Targaryen, and his wife, Queen Alicent Hightower!"

The royal couples entered as everyone stood up clapping in standing ovation. Watching the newly weds stride in regally was a tremendous sight.

Both husband and wife arrived at the table and sat down beside, King Viserys in the middle and Alicent by his right, while Rheanyra was seated at his left. Otto sat beside his newly wedded daughter, while the small councils, where seated either side of the table.

Suddenly the King stood up to address his subjects. "Be welcome, my lords and ladies, I thank for coming all this way to witness my wedding. It gladdens my heart to see the realm in unity. So I declare seven days of feasts and tourneys to honour my union, and I'd like to raise my cup to my wife, Alicent Hightower. Your Queen. Long May She Reign!." Maegor toasted, raising his cup.

"Long May She Reign!" The hall erupted in unison and drank, as did their King.

Charlotte didn't raise her cup, but sat beside Borros Baratheon who kept placing his hands on her thighs now and then trying to get her attention. Irritated she slaps his hands away, stood up from his side.

Rheanyra emptied her cup, and asked a servant to refill it, while throwing foul looks to the Queen. Again she emptied her cup, staring spitefully at Alicent Hightower.

Charlotte too, finally seated amongst the Hightowers, sipped her wine, gulps, drifting her gaze back to the people striding into the hall. Every lords great lord and knights came to offer their blessings and gifts. Representatives from Volantis, Pentos, Lys, Qarth, Meeren, Braavos, the Summer Isles, except the Triarchy.

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