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"So, how do you feel?" He asked me and I honestly wanted to puke. Why can't he just sing me a song and have me fall asleep instead of interrogate me of my crush. "I don't really..." I see him nod in the darkness in signal of understanding me.

We had a weird blockage. I don't get it, before I liked Nash and before when he lived in Matthews basement, we use to sleep pretty comfortably together. Now he seems distant and it's truthfully bothering me. "Can I?" I ask as I throw the pillow that was once blocking us, aside me. I brought myself closer, laying on my side as I put my cheek on my hand facing him with a dreamt expression. "Cam..." he giggles before turning is back on me. I pulled his body, feeling his rib cage with my four fingers tingly on his body through his shirt. "I'm sorry." I pull him closer. "Goodnight."

And although I said goodnight, my mind was still awake. However, yeah my eyes were closed and I was in bliss with Shawn being my little spoon but I kept these thoughts going. I thought about Nash, and how he probably will never come to terms to accept me.

What hurt the most was seeing that last tear fall out of his eye as he pushed me aside before taking his last step out the door. We made a split second of eye contact before he grabbed the door handle to close the door.

He was dramatically hurt and I can't or wasn't there for him. I don't know if he is upset that I won't back him up, if it's because I am not giving him company right now, what is it.

I am sure he's beyond disappointed with me but I can't help him. He's hurt me and our dearest friends. What do you say to someone who betrayed friendship. At the same time, I am basically betraying Nash's friendship. I am a homosexual but he is not aware. That's quite the same. But it's soothing he can't accept so it's better off keeping secrets.

I mean it's only to protect someone right?

In this case, I have a friendship to keep at stake. We can't loose anything even though something's were ready lost.


"Cameron?" Shawn groaned as he grabbed the pillow from under his head and hit me with it. "Aaron called me and said were going to a baby lesson today." I sighed knowing that I'm not even sure if Nash will attend! But I need to take that aside and focus on our child here.

I got up and threw all the blankets onto Shawn. He was the one to get a wake up call first but couldn't even actually wake up to it. I don't get this guy. He's rather cute most of the time, to think about it, yeah he's massively attractive. And the way he holds me in his sleep... I love it.

"Cameron?" He snapped. "I uh..." I went into the restroom slamming the door. I didn't mean to thin those things.

Shawn came through the door and quickly closing it. "Uh I have to pee." he said before pulling his pajamas down just enough. I noticed that I was staring at him to I turned back to the mirror where I had to use Shawn's mouth wash since there was no toothbrush of mine. I looked at the mirror, where there was a visible sight of Shawn holding his dick. Damn it was I lucky enough to sleep next to him last night.

I saw him lightly stroking it. Wasn't he just suppose to pee. He can't possibly be turning me on right now while I'm trying to rinse my mouth.

I heard him moan underbreath.

"You-you good shawn?" I asked wiping my mouth with my shirt, tugging it up with my teeth so that my stomach was visible to Shawn. "Uh haha yeah. Let's get ready." He started to undress his shirt and here I was just staring. "I should go now huh?" I asked opening the knob. "No.. it's fine. I'll just hop in and you can stay in here. If you'd like." I nodded and told him I'll get clothes and change.

When I got out I was welcomed by Matthew and Johnson. "Shit." Johnson mumbled under breath running his hands through his hair. "Ah, so what were you doing in there hmm?" Matthew asked raising his eyebrows. Was my small infatuation for Shawn that noticeable?

"Chill... if you don't mind me. I need to kick you guys out okay." I pulled off my shirt and Matthew winked while Johnson looked pretty upset. "See I told you!" Matthew laughed hitting Johnson. "Well sorry, I thought Shawn liked.." His voice trailed off. It made me wonder who did Shawn like? He was never big on the whole feelings admit type of thing.

I quickly changed and sat on the bed waiting for Shawn to get out. To my dismay, as soon as the water was off, there was like three minutes of silence. Tells you that he's changing in there instead of in front of me.

He finally got out and we were on our way to see the rest of the guys. All accept Nash of course.

"You coming?" Shawn asked, holding his room door for me. "Uh. No I didn't yet." I frowned. Midway of standing up I realized it may of been the dumbest thing I've ever replied as. "I meant, ah, um... okay." He sighed. "Maybe I could help next time." Shawn hopped off a couple steps before meeting the guys up.

"guYS!" Aaron shouted.

"Time to go to the baby program. They're going to teach us all this baby bullshit okay. It should be fun. Have your partners chosen by the end of the car ride!"

Easy for me, I expected to be partners with Nash but he's not coming.

"We have each other." Matthew kissed Carter's cheek as they intertwined their arms together.

"I have Jack." Johnson raised as he pulled on his hoodie's crew neck with his fist.

"Uhh.." I panted. "Shawn come here." I demanded. He got closer to me and I held his hand. "Partner chosen." I smiled. He looked down and did one of those closed lip, cheeky smiles.

"Oh okay. Aaron lets go then." Taylor raced to the door and grabbed his car key. "Remember, we're going to buy a mini van soon so we all fit cozy!"

And here we go to some community baby center where there are straight couples playing with baby dolls, getting a certificate for graduating this school as soon to be parents.

Talk about awkward.


Stupid dum dum boring filler chapter
Nothing important or interesting
But next chapter yah

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