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Rheanyra left the dance floor and stood with Ser Criston, watching the guests behind the pillars, she chatted with few courtiers. Her black dress seems to be appropriate for a funeral rather than a wedding, and how she styled herself, one would think she's trying to outshine the Queen

Moments later the best friends comes to join her as they ate lemon cakes and gossiped.

"This is suppose to be my wedding. Mine." Charlotte hissed.

"Hurtful yes, but let it go." Rheanyra sipped her wine. "How's Borros Baratheon?"

"He's a pervert." Charlotte spat viciously.

"Then call of the engagement." Rheanyra shrugs.

"I cannot Rheanyra, it's already been decided." Charlotte said bitterly heartbroken. "Borros stands to inherit Storm's End and I will bear him heirs."

They both stare at the King and Queen on the high table.

Rheanyra sighs. "I hate to say, but Alicent makes a beautiful bride."

Charlotte turns to the princess. "Are you falling for her schemes? Don't be fooled" she hissed.

"No. I'm simply admiring the lonely life she's soon to face, once all these celebrations are over, she'll be tossed around until she squeeze out heirs for my uncle." Rheanyra shook her head then spoke, interrupting the reception with a loud applaud.

"Time for the bedding ceremony! I believe my lords would like to witness this auspicious act! A tribute to the King and Queen!" She declares with an evil smirk as the hall erupted in cheers.


"Bedding ceremony!"

"Tribute to the golds!"

"Long Live The King and Queen." They roared in victory.

Maegor narrowed his orbs, Alicent widened her eyes as some drunken lords stood up in anticipation, hurrying to the table, immediately Viserys stood up.

"There will be no bedding ceremony!" Maegor exclaims, his voice stopped them in their tracks as they all dispersed back to their seats in shame.

Rheanyra looked to her father disappointed. "But Uncle, it is tradition!"

"Rheanyra!" Maegor yells. "This is my wedding reception, a banquet of holy matrimony! Show some respect to your aunt!" He shot her a glare.

"Let it be my love. It's just a caprice of youth." Alicent held the King's arm as he sat back down.

Maegor quenched his anger with wine, boiling in rage, flaring. Of all days his niece chooses to gets out of character. Insolent pulp.

Suddenly someone comes directly to deliver message to the King in whisper.

Maegor looks at the servant wrinkling his brows. "What?"

"As I'm told Your Grace. Prince Daemon says it's urgent" the servant informs.

Maegor stood up abruptly and left the banquet hall with Ser Harrold trailing behind him. Otto and Alicent share a confused gaze and trying to figure out the matter. The guest watched as the King left the hall, while they continued feasting in merry.

To Love A King || Maegor Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now