10. The Trust

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So why don't you stay
(oh woah)

Please don't go away
(Oh Ohh Ohhh)

Please don't go away(Oh Ohh Ohhh)

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"I am sorry Danish".I say a little loudly so that he can hear and he does. He stops walking.

I start walking in his direction and when I reach near him, I put my hand on his wrist and ask him to turn towards me.

"I am sorry, It was not my intention to hurt you and I was just irritated when I said that earlier. I was just." I take a deep breath before starting. "I was just not expecting someone to act like you did when I was injured and then was concerned for me likely parents are. You took notes for me, made notes for me and you wait for me after classes like kulki does, but I don't want that. I mean I don't want to interrupt your schedule or your studies. I mean consider you my friend but I don't to hamper your things. I, um, I" I clear my throat and gather a little courage to tell him.

"I've never had any male friend who genuinely cares for me, I have had male friends but they always used to make fun of me or bully me because I was a chubby kid. In fact when I used to get injured or something like that they would say that because I am fat I got the injury or I would've never gotten injured in the first place. Never mind. The thing is I was not able to believe that you were genuinely concerned for me and did not want to make fun of me when the time came or when you felt like it. But it was wrong of me to judge you for something in my past, that does not even concern you. I am sorry to judge you and for being rude to you"

I took another deep breath shakily and looked up only to see him looking at me with not pity or even sympathy but genuine concern. I did not even realize that I was holding his wrist from the start. I removed my hand from his wrist, but he just held my wrist again.

"I am sorry for deciding on your behalf and I am so sorry for the little Aisha who had to go through so much as a child who just wanted to have genuine friends in her life. So you don't have to say sorry for judging me because you were never given the safety to be yourself around male friends and it is not your mistake but theirs to make a child believe such horrendous things."

He stopped speaking and looked into my eyes as if searching for something. Whatever he was searching for he found it and continued to speak again.

"Whatever it was that you had experienced was nothing you deserved but did and you did not just give in to those things. But you decided today to be strong and become the woman you are today. I am so proud to have a friend like you in my life and I will make sure to never intentionally or unintentionally hurt you like I did. But please just trust me that I will never in this life mock you for anything."He finishes and lets go of my hand.

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