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Twenty five year old Charlotte, could hear crying from down the hall and she was absolutely sick and tired of it, now being married to Ser Borros Baratheon, with a child same age as Queen Alicent, she still harboured feelings for King Maegor.

Now that her sister was a stepmother to five years old Ariel Targaryen, Charlotte could imagine the misery Queen Alicent is going through in her marriage, and it pleased her so well to see that Ariel came before Aegon, and her father's plan to put his blood on the iron throne will not avail.

She shoves the door the open to the nursery, and there she finds her sister rocking her son, Prince Aegon II Targaryen while her stepdaughter Princess Ariel Targaryen held unto the hem of her dress, tugging it playfully.

"Aegon please." Queen Alicent pleads, begging her son to stop being naughty.

Charlotte smirks, over the last three years since she got married, Rheanyra's has been keeping her posted about her sister's doings. Charlotte learned through the letters that the Queen didn't have nurturing bone in her body, it took her a year to warm up to Ariel, and she grew easily frustrated with Aegon as he sobbed and passed him, and Ariel off to their wet nurses to care. What misery.

Charlotte sighs. "Motherhood looks quite good on, Your Grace." she rasped in a mocking jape.

Queen Alicent looks back to see her sister standing at the doorway with a sumgly grin on her face. "Why are you here?" she asked sternly

Charlotte proceeds into the room. "I came to take the children to the King."

Queen Alicent creased her brows and scoffs, turning to Ariel to give her a toy, before the little girl let's go of her dress, babbling and walking aimlessly around the nursery playing.

"And what makes you think I'll want my children to be taken by you to my lord husband?" Queen Alicent questioned.

Charlotte grins mischievously. "I only want to help." she shifts her gaze to crying Aegon and back to the her sister the Queen. "You're a horrible mother," she mused.

The insult hits Alicent like a blow on her face, yet she could only smile at her sister. "And what of my nephew Brandon. why aren't you with your own son?" she interrogates.

Charlotte stood tall. "He's with his father in small council."

"And you do not think to stay with your child, but come to collect mine." Alicent scoffs and shook her head. "You have the nerve sweet sister. You want to take my children to the King, so they can see that his wife isn't responsible, or do you think I do not know that, you have no connection with your own child." She enunciated skeptically.

Charlotte chuckles. "Don't be delusional Your Grace."

"Oh you're the one who's delusional. Putting an image to fit society when deep down you're a bitter woman, who doesn't even have one ounce of love for the man she married, you think I do not know Borros Baratheon beats you black and blue." Alicent blurts out.

Charlotte immediately ran cold, her face grew into resentment as a wicked smile crept on Alicent's lips.

"I hear your mariage is a farce, and he beats you when he's drunk and forces himself on you, which makes me wonder if Brandon was born out of love or out of rape."

"SHUT UP!" Charlotte yells, shakily gritting her teeth.

Queen Alicent chuckles. "I thought as much. I never knew you're miserable in your marriage, just as I once was, although Maegor never layed his hands on me, except for Ariel's condition and thankfully we've overcome that bridge and we're happy, I can't say the same for you Charlotte, so do yourself the decency and get out of my nursery. I'll take my children to their father, while you return to back to your son and shower him with the love he deserves. Maybe from there you'd teach him to be different from Borros." she gave a smile then frowns turning back to Aegon's cradle.

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