Chapter 1

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„I am ready" i said, making my way into the teleportation capsule.
My team and I have been working on this project for the last two years and now the day has finally come.
Technology is evolving faster than ever, its kind of petrifiying but thrilling at the same time.
"We are counting day 754 of the 'Fusion Project', today is the 4th september 2130, then first traveling test day." I looked into the camera of my laptop. I have been recording every little step of this project. Over the last two years I taped down every single detail and now the time has finally arrived. Travelling has now reached a new level. I sat down on the control center of the capsule, pushing the right buttons, now being ready to leave. I looked at my team members for the last time before speaking up. "We worked so hard for the last years, trying to achieve this and now its time, the next time you'will all see me is when I am in Toyko." Everybody starting cheering and whistling. "Good luck, you better make it to Japan savely." Jackson, my best friend and coworker said to me, with a hint of worry in his eyes. I smiled at him before sitting down again and putting on the seatbelt. "Tokyo here I come..." I thought to myseflf, full of excitement, trying to put Jacksons worried face out of my head.
The machine started to shudder and vibrate, the lights started flickering. I leaned back, trying to relax which didn't seem to work at all. I started holding my breath and closed my eyes.
Everything dark, red lights appearing everywhere. The machine, not only making loud noices but as well started shaking even more. "This doesn't feel right..what is happening..." I thought to myself.

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The next time I opened my eyes, everything was pitch dark and quiet. Too quiet.
I tried making my way out of the capsule. My body was aching, I think I broke on of my ribs. I held my upper body trying to make my way through. The door was hard to open. I feel like I don't have enough strenght. As I was about to give up, all the lights turned up again, the sensor now opening the door. "At least there is the power again" I thought to myself, hope of going back safe rising again.
I stepped out of the door. I put my hand up over my eyes, squinting my eyes. After all the darkness, the bright sun was hurting my eyes. After my eyes were adjusted, I finally noticed where I was, or rather where I was not. This wasn't Toyko. In fact this didn't seem like anything on earth. But this can't be, I should be in Tokyo right now, celebrating this big break throuht but now, I am here, in the middle of a jungle.
"Maybe im just somewhere in Brazil..." I thought to myself, rather trying to convince myself than being so sure.
My thoughts were interrupted quickly after I heard something move behind me.
I turned around frightened, jumping quietly back into the capsule but peeking over the edge of the door, still curious of what was making that sound.
My eyes widened, my mouth fell opened. What was walking out of the bushes was a deer.
But this wasn't a normal deer, its fur was shining in a yellowish color and a big horn was placed on its forehead, like you normally knew from a unicorn.
"Where the hell am I" I mumbled to myself, my shocked expression not leaving my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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