Meeting You !

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Ma ; why do I have to move to Charlotte, North Carolina with my dad I know were going through a rough patch but ............

8 hours later

Leynas Pov

dad I'm going to explore the neighborhood and see around I grabbed my Iphone 6 and headed out ; guess who called my boyfriend we haven't spoke since I moved I was hell of excited to speak to him

Malik - Leyna?

Leyna - Yes baby?

Malik - We need to talk about somethings!

Leyna - like?

Malik - Leyna I found someone new and I'm breaking up with you

Leyna - Malik? Malik?

Line ends

I swear I hate him so much it hasn't even been a full 24 hours and he found someone else that's some bull............ Ouch could you watch going I yelled at this girl

Her - Nice to meet you I'm .........

Me - not interested

Her - I didn't even say anything yet

Me - not gay

Her - Well , my name is Shay nice to meet you ma '

Me - Bye

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