012- Gone

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Charlotte sat on the edge of the bed getting dressed as she looked to see klaus as he stood in the doorway. He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked to her and smirked

"And where do you think that your going" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I have work" she said

"Lottie you were attacked and held hostage" he said

"I am aware klaus I went through just because I am human doesn't mean I am not strong I am the oldest of three sisters. My dad walked out and I have been strong for a long time okay. I am fine" she said as he looked to her and raised an eyebrow at her

He walked over to her and grabbed her waist and pulled her against him and smiled

"I'm allowed to be worried okay. Just be careful" he said as she nodded. He knew the he cared over Charlotte Forbes and he knew that she was human and she was probably the first human that he didn't want to kill and drink dry. She was different and she kept him in his toes and he liked that about her

"Just promise me that you will be careful" he said as Charlotte looked to him and smirked

"No does the big bad hybrid that is klaus mikaelson care. Who knew that you had a soft spot" she teased as he looked to her and riled his eyes

"Don't tell anyone I'd hate to have to kill you" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"Hmm whatever you say" she said as he walked over to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Charlotte kissed him back and smiled as she pulled away from him


Chloe walked into the grill as she looked to her sister "are you sure that you shoukd be here?" Chloe asked as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Your as bad as klaus do you know that" Charlotte said

"What's going on either you too Charlie? I mean are you sleeping with him?" Chloe asked as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I can promise you that I am in no way sleeping with klaus mikaelson. We have made out a few times and that's mam it is besides your one to talk Elijah? I mean with everything with Damon" she said as Chloe looked to her and nodded

"I know I don't make things easy for myself trust me I know that it's a mess" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and smiled

"You're my sister okay and all I want is for you to be happy and if it's Elijah so be it. I am not going to judge you or stand in your way of if all" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"Thanks that means a lot" Chloe said. Charlotte knew how things were and she knew how it wasn't easy. She knew how Damon treated Chloe and how Chloe deserved better and she also knew how things seemed to be heating up between her and klaus and she knew just how complicated that it was bad how it wasn't easy

Charlotte knew how a lot happened with her and klaus but she also knew what he was and yet that never seemed to scare her about him

Charlotte frowned as she looked to see Elijah as he waked in just as she was finishing up her shift "Chloe isn't here" she said

"I know I came to see you look it's klaus Damon and the others they had him they've dagger him and have his body. We need to find him before they kill him" he said as Charlotte looked to him and frowned

"Why me?"

"Because I know that desire everything that my brother dies that you do care about him" Elijah said as Charlotte nodded

"Come on" he said as she followed him out of the bar


Charlotte got to the storage unit as they found the casket that klaus was in "what is the plan" Charlotte asked

"First we get out of here" Elijah said as they saw Alaric

"I'll take that" he said

"I don't think so" Charlotte said as Elijah stood in the way as he kicked her to the ground. Elijah rushes at Alaric but Alaric kicks him out of his way. Alaric opens the casket and pulls out the white oak stake. Klaus' eyes fly open. Charlotte rushes to get up.

"No!" Charlotte said

"No, don't!" Elijah said

"No! No! No!" Charlotte said as Alaric stakes Klaus' in the heart. Klaus gasps. Elijah grabs Charlotte so that she can't run to the casket. Klaus' body is set aflame. Charlotte continues to scream and cry. Alaric turns around and looked to her

"Come on we need to get you out of here" Elijah said


Chloe walked into the house as she saw Elijah "I got your message is she okay?"

"She hasn't spoken" he said as they glanced to Charlotte as Chloe walked over to her sister and sat in front of her

"Charlie...are you okay" she asked as she looked to her sister as Charlotte looked to her and shock her head

"Klaus is dead" she said as Chloe smiled

"I know I'm sorry"  Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and smiled. She knew how she felt numb over the whole situation and she knew how it was a lot

Charlotte knew how she and klaus were and how she couldn't stand him at first but he had suddenly become someone to her and he was dead and she didn't know how to feel. All that she knew was that everything was changing between them and now that she knew he was gone she knew how it was too late

Charlotte knew that she was angry over the whole situation but little did she knew how klaus was going to come back to her in a form that she didn't expect

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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