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Hello! here is author of the story. 

I must begin with a heartfelt apology for leaving you hanging without any updates. I'm truly sorry about that. It wasn't my intention to abandon the story, but things happened in my life that made it difficult to concentrate on writing and resolve those situations. It took a significant amount of my time. 

I know I don't have a huge number of regular viewers, but before you think I don't value some of you lovely readers, let me assure you that's not true. You all matter a great deal to me, and I'm incredibly thankful for your support of the story.

This message is to let you know that I've finally gotten a handle on whatever was distracting me from writing. From now on, I'll do my best to ensure nothing like this happens again until the story is finished.

I can't thankyou enough for your patience and understanding. Your support is what keeps me going.  Also let me know your thoughts on story.

Your Author

Ishika 💜

From now on there is two upadate in week

#On Wednesday 

#On Saturday or Sunday 

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