Chapter 1: Awkward Reunion

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[Author's Notes: Since this is a Yandere version, this is going to be a bit OOC. By the way, The Pretty Boy isn't in this chapter.]

The familiar fog slowly creeps into the quiet town, clouding the blue sky with a layer of thick gray. A girl in uniform stands at a crossroads, her head facing down and her hands gripping her bag tightly. She shuts her eyes as her heart beats rapidly, almost bursting out of her chest.

Her eyes immediately snap open when she hears approaching footsteps, she tilts forward slightly from her hiding spot and is greeted by a blurry figure in the mist. She gulps down her fear and grabs a notebook to hide her flustered expression. "Uh, excuse me..."

The individual stops in his tracks and turns to face the student. "Eh? What is it, young lady? Why are you using a notebook to hide your face?" he asks in confusion, yet his curious smile remains.

"Ah, sorry to just call you so randomly... I just want to ask if you can tell me my fortune."

"Eh... fortune?" the man raises his eyebrows in surprise. He watches the girl try to stutter out an apology and laughs lightly. "Ah, you're doing the crossroads fortune, aren't you? I heard that a lot of high schoolers are playing this stuff lately, how popular."

He reminisces about the time when he was her age. "Though I'm not sure if my fortune-telling is accurate."

"It's fine. You're the first person to walk past me and people said that it will be more accurate during a foggy day."

"Really... then what do you want to ask about?"

"Uh, about my love life..." the girl says bashfully as her grip tightens on her notebook, her face burning in embarrassment while her voice wavers at the end.

The man hums when he hears the topic and rubs his chin in contemplation. "Mhm, alright then, I'll give this a try. Love life, huh?" he then breaks into a bright grin and encourages her, "I see that your love life will bear fruit! But try to be more assertive next time."

The girl quickly lightens up at his words and thanks him profusely before taking her leave, her body slowly disappears into the haze.

He lets out a small sigh, "Young love..."


Nazumi Town. The name carries the definition of 'hard to identify', and that's only an understatement considering how often car accidents occur in this place. The Sakurai Hospital, which is also the only hospital in that place, always has to be prepared for any kind of catastrophe.

The train slowly drives through the film of cloudiness, the sound of rumbling wheels and the railway noises create a symphony that echoes through the plain.

Ryuusuke leans closer toward the window, his gaze wanders and his mind drifts away from reality. He observes his hometown, noting how the settlement is still shrouded in an obscure mist that blocks away the beautiful green scenery of the countryside like a wedding veil. He wonders if everything is still the same... after all, it's been twelve years since he left, and his old friends have probably all changed. However, Ryuusuke prays that she remains the same as always.


His mother's concerned call immediately snaps him out of his daydreaming. He turns around and stares at her with his dark eyes. "Yes, Mom?" he asks in a light tone while his eyebrows are no longer furrowed from those deep thoughts.

"Are you ok? You seem tired. Do you miss our previous home?" when she sees that he doesn't respond, she puts on a small comforting smile and says, "We used to live here when you were young, so you might meet some of your old friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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