BibleJeff and MileApo

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Littles: Bible (0-2), Apo (1-3)

Caregivers: Jeff, Mile

Third person PoV:

Today, the littles were having a playdate, they decided to hold it at BibleJeff's place, it was still early as the playdate was taking place in the afternoon and it was still early morning, so they had time to get ready.

Bible was feeling grumpy because his daddy woke him up, so Bible made it his mission to make Jeff's life harder, the first thing Jeff did when Bible woke up (when Jeff woke Bible up) was change Bible's diaper, so Bible decided to fidget and cry to his hearts content, Jeff gave him his paci and plushie to try and soothe Bible, he even tried singing, however, it didn't work like it usually did.

The next was breakfast, Bible decided to mess around and refused to eat his food, this resulted in Jeff having to give him a bath.

"What's wrong with you baby? Why are you so fussy today?"

Bible cutely glared at Jeff from his bath, Jeff chuckled fondly at him and smiled.

"Ahh, I see now, it's because I woke you up, I thought you would be excited for today because Apo and his daddy are coming over today"

Bible just continued glaring at him, Jeff shook his head fondly and continued to bathe Bible. After the bathing session, Jeff picked Bible up from the tub and wrapped him in his towel before taking him to his nursery, he placed him on the changing table, Bible started fidgeting around so Jeff had to strap him down to the changing table (not in a mean way) and went to grab a diaper, snap-crotch and omen nice comfy pants and went back to Bible and placed them next to Bible, then started to dry and change him.

Since Mile and Apo were coming after lunch, Jeff and Bible had some time to waste some time before they got here.

~Time skip~

Soon a nock on the door came and Jeff went to go and open it, there stood Mile with Apo on his hip, Jeff let them in with a smile"

Jeff took them to the living room, where Bible was sat playing with his toys, Apo looked and then tucked his head in Mile's neck, both Jeff and Mile noticed, and Mile started to speak to him.

"Hey baby, do you want to play with Bible?"

Apo nodded, however, he just kept his head in Mile's neck, Mile turned to Jeff.

"Sorry about him, he's had a bit of a rough morning, so he is a bit fussy"

"Haha, don't worry, Bible had a very fussy morning, he's been a bit fussy today as well"


"Hey Bible, do you want to play with Apo?"

Bible turned and stared at Jeff before going back to playing with his toys.

"Sorry about him"

"It's fine, don't worry"

Mile put Apo down opposite Bible and gave him his plushie, he then joined Jeff on the couch and chatted with Jeff whilst keeping an eye on Apo, Jeff kept an eye on Bible. Bible sensed Apo's presence and looked at him, he then grabbed one of his tea cups and gave them to Apo, they both then started to play tea party.

They kept playing until it was time for Mile and Apo to go, this caused an outcry from both littles, both caregivers agreed to plan another play date.

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